Investigation of relationship marketing of supermarket based on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Investigation of relationship marketing of supermarket based on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Introduction 750
– what has led you to this investigation?
– why is it important / of value to investigate?
– what are you investigating – issue, problem or hypothesis?
Literature Discussion 750-1000
– what is the academic area of study?
– what are the core areas to be investigated?
– what are the core theories / authors?
– discuss initial issues of interest
– identify where you need to go next
Methodology 1500-1750
– what is the primary research question?
– how will answering this address the – issue/problem/hypothesis?
– provide the proposed approach to the research and why (Lecture 4)
– limitations, issues and considerations to be considered
Summary >250
draw discussion together, introduce any practical issues (e.g. cpa, key tasks)

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