Movie review: Margin call

Movie review: Margin call

What are the ethical issues that I face?

Honesty: One of the ethical issues that Mr. Rogers faces in this profession is honesty. The sales ethical standards do not allow for deception and any aspect that does not promote honesty in this profession.

Integrity: All the sales executives are to practice and observe integrity of the highest order.

.           According to the international marketing and sales professional creed, a sales man pledges to recognize and provide accessible channels for customer complaints and investigate any customer dissatisfaction and provide a remedy to their problems. (SMEI, 2010). According to this creed, Mr. Rogers will be contravening himself against this clause if he goes ahead to flood the market with toxic substance. He will be jeopardising the lives of the very people that he should respect and protect.

The sales professional’s pledges to protect promote and support the code of customer choice, competition and innovative companies but in consistence with the rule of law. If Mr. Rogers supports the actions of the CEO he will be in breach of this ethics clause which requires s him to support and respective his subjects in respect to the rule of the land. Secondly he will be supporting practices which are not lawful.

MR Roger is also under the obligation of this creed to be accountable to the society, to adhere to the highest professional standards in his practice as well as in his personal life. if he goes ahead to sell the products and cause a financial crisis which might contribute to loss of jobs, health issues in the society or crisis to the economy, he will be in breach of his contract.

Roger also is obliged or bound by the clause that states that, he shall not willingly participate in practices or in marketing or policies that will be detrimental to the Customer, the community, competitors or to the economic policies or standards. The financial meltdown that will result from the potential actions, then he will be in breach of this clause. Lastly Mr Roger on the other hand will be putting his profession into question if he carries ahead his CEO’s plans. In any profession, the professionals ought to protect the image of their profession and so is Mr. Roger


What would you do if you were in Mr. Rogers shoes and why?

Well if I were Mr Rogers I would employee several measures to salvage the situation and ensure it never happens again by:

Choosing to hand in my resignation letter to the management as this an unprofessional approach in dealing with the consumers’ health, taste and preferences .Moreover this compromises a very important factor in marketing of products i.e. brand loyalty. This action is will not compromise my ethical code adherence, compliance and integrity, and will more over not burn my bridges in as a if I seek employment else where

To salvage the situation I would advice my assistant, right before I leave the work place to issue a product recall with the aid of all media and government. This will ensure that the company and the client do not lose the entire markets’ loyalty to buying and being associated with companies’ product or services (Hutchins, 2009). By compensating the consumers with full refunds or subsidiary products
From a legal perspective I would advise the CEO (Chief Executive officer) on the implications of the authorization of damping of toxic substances would have on his reputation despite the company’s if no action is taken to stop such future acts. He should as well review and revise clauses on ethic codes in order to prevent future economic’ embarrassment s’ and misuse of authority (this is only after he agrees to the product recall and sound advice)

I would as well research on implications of this action from previous experiences e.g. from mystery shopping skills employed by a company that was in a similar position in order to ensure future employees have an immediate solution to avoid such a financial meltdown , if ever they appear.




Work cited

Hutchins, D, et al. Managing   Product Recall.2009.1.Dec.2011.

SMEI .sales and marketing creed: the international code of ethics for sales and marketing. 2010.1Dec.2011.

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