What are the major themes and/or arguments that the author makes?

“The White Man Will Eat You! An Anthropologist among the Imbonggu of New Guinea by William E. Wormsley Include the following elements (in any order that seems natural to you): • Brief overview: what, where, when? • Biographical information about the author • Description of methods: what did the ethnographer do and why? • Theory: If the author, in the introduction or elsewhere, states the theoretical orientation of the work, summarize this. • Main findings: What are the major themes and/or arguments that the author makes? How are these supported by the ethnographic evidence he or she has collected and interpreted? I will need a written report with the same components plus a critical conclusion. This conclusion should address the success of the author in attaining the interpretive or descriptive goal that she or he has set out to accomplish. This is not merely whether you liked it or not, but rather a true critique: a judgment of the value of the work.

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