Argumentative essay on Illegal Immigrants.

Illegal Immigrants


Throughout the history of man, some countries with an example of UK and USA have been places of vast opportunities. For quite a number of people it is a dream to get a chance to live in such countries. However, while some people accomplish their imaginings of living in such countries, others try to get loopholes to spend their lives in these countries. Notably, some get to these countries legally while others do not even hold legal immigration documents. Such individuals are the ones referred to as illegal migrants. For one, illegal immigrants violates other countries’ immigration guiding principles as well as the countries’ governing rules by residing in these countries without legal and proper permission. Such people become a burden to the governments of these countries and mostly the tax payers (Porter, 62).

Of note is that these people require eating as well as getting other basic needs which include clothing  education, healthcare among others social amenities. Where do they get these needs from? Notably, the host government’s tries to look for means through which these people enhance their living just like any other native citizens. Some of these illegal immigrants do not bother to look for livelihood while others have dominated their host countries’ job market thereby denying the rightful citizens employment opportunities. Whether employed or not they are trouble to the governments as well as the rightful citizens. Some are actually in formal employment but you still find that they are still absorbed in the government projects whereby the taxpayer’s money is used to pay for their foods, education, and medical bills among others. Majority of citizens agree that illegal immigrants are never fair to tax payers as well other people who immigrated legally.

However, there are some illegal aliens who migrate in other countries genuinely. Some migrate because of wars in their native countries and outbreak of diseases. Such people should be offered with the crucial social amenities after which they should go back to their countries once peace and order has been enhanced (Wepman, 381). They should not stay in their host countries so as to stop being unfair to the legal immigrates and the citizens whose tax money is being used in providing their basic needs. For those who just want to take advantage of other people, they should not be provided with social services. Some are strong and capable of seeking for means of their survival. Why should they just sit back and wait for other people to work for them. Though they cannot seek formal employment unless under the support of the federal government due to  lack of proper and appropriate documents, they can actually seek some sort of informal employment as casual laborers instead of sitting idle and waiting to fed, clothed and educated. Outstandingly, there are quite a number of rightful citizens with deserving needs who cannot be helped using the tax payer’s money while these illegal immigrants get the best assistance

Porter (2006) asserts that there are illegal immigrants who get the benefits of employment opportunities, free education as well as health care in America (Porter, 62). You find that these people get the attention of the American government than the suffering citizens who as well deserve to be provided with primary needs. They drain the government resources (Maxwell, 342).The illegal immigrants should be left to look for their livelihood and if they are unable to provide for their basic needs they should be forced to go back to the countries of origin. Those immigrants who are in employment which they find after being assisted by the government are  subjected to less or no tax remittance yet some of them are supported through the same taxes . Why should they enjoy other people taxes while they do not contribute to these taxes? By providing them with social amenities, these people become idle and as the saying goes, idle mind is the devil’s workshop. They eventually pose a threat to the national security. Some of them due to idleness indulge in crime thereby becoming a disaster to their host countries. Whether the illegal aliens who engage in criminal activities are sent to prison or not, they are still a burden to the tax payers (Fujiwara, 75).

I think the best the host governments should do is to restrict illegal immigration and for those who are already in the country illegally, they should not provide them with their needs exclusively. They should instead engage them to seeking for their livelihood and if they cannot they should be deported to the motherland. By encouraging them to work and cutting down on basic needs assistance, these people will stop being a burden to the legal taxpayers. Teach a person to fish instead of providing the fish for him/her. By doing so, the person will never ask for a fish from you, instead he/she will get into the river and fish out his own fish. The same way illegal immigrants should not be let to just sit back and wait for the government, through the taxpayer’s money, to provide for them, they should seek for their needs failure to which they should be taken back to their motherland.


It is quite evident that illegal immigrants are all over the world. These people hold different reasons for their illegal immigrations. Some have genuine reasons while others just want to seek for a smooth life whereby they will just sit, eat, learn, get clothing as well as healthcare for free. They just want to oppress others. Such people should not be provided with free basic needs.

Work Cited

Dennis Wepman. Immigration. New York: InfoBase Publishing, 2007.p 381

Lakeisha Porter. Illegal immigrants should not receive social services. Journal of International             social science review. London: Springer, 2006.VOl.81, Issue 1/2 p 60 -72

LH Fujiwara. Immigrant Rights Are Human Rights: The Reframing of Immigrant Entitlement        and Welfare. Oregon: University of Oregon, 2005.VOl 52, Issue 1.p79-101

William Maxwell. Texas Politics today 2009-2010. London: Cengage Publishing 342

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