Critique of the Movie Tangled
Many at times, images, sounds and other occurrences affect the way we perceive related topics about aspects that could happen to us or people with whom we associate. A week ago, while I was on the airplane with my daughter on our way to the U.S.A, I watched the movie Tangled for the third time. Each time I watch the movie, a different matter seems to crop up at the back of my mind, and this time was no different. The movie’s ironic scenes and coherent expression that intertwine with reality and blended humor left me wondering what exactly the writer wanted to convey. This movie brought up intriguing thoughts, mostly about how individuals always have choices to make, although they most often than not end up choosing what is least expected.
The difference between naivety and stupidity was once again in question. Not just from definition, but also from a descriptive yet objective standpoint. This is a question that when evaluated from dissimilar vantage points, be it objective or subjective, can present a wide range of views. In most cases, naivety is inevitable at the initial stages of growth, before experience and maturity are acquired. This is what is observed with Rapunzel, who is the main character in this movie. She is kidnapped, but later commences a journey to rediscover herself by exploring the outside world.
Conversely, others may view Rapunzel as naive and stupid in the sense that she took too long, until she was 19 before she set out for a journey that made her meet the prince. She finds her freedom through this new relationship. Rapunzel meets her parents, who are now a queen and a king. The question that arises is: how long does it take a person to rediscover himself or herself?
In conclusion, it is impossible to establish the degree of an individual’s stupidity or naivety. What is certain is that none of the qualities remains the same after they encounter various situations. Although people may get more confused than they were before, most get enlightened and acquire skills of tackling even newer challenges. Tangled is a movie that needs an open-minded person to understand the complex concepts of life it presents.
Abortion is the process that comprises exterminating the products of conception knowingly (Goffman, 1963). The question whether this is right or wrong, legal or illegal is a matter of logic. Again, it is a topic that has been widely controversial, even though it has occurred for ages. Circumstances that led to the conception are sometimes addressed when evaluating whether it is right to terminate a pregnancy. In instances where victims were sexually assaulted, it becomes evident that their liberties were violated. This scenario offers consolation in destroying the growing fetus for the victims to resume their lives. According to (Goffman, 1963), women are qualified to be persons with sound minds. Consequently, the decisions they make concerning their reproductive systems are assumed sound. Any person should not interfere with decisions they may opt to make concerning their wellbeing.
In most states, the illegality of abortion rests with a person who does it. A case where a medical practitioner assists a woman to commit abortion is illegal. On the other hand, if another person assists a woman, who is not a medical practitioner, commits abortion; then that is legal. If a woman is seriously ill, or a developing fetus is detected to be dangerous to the survival of a woman, abortion is justified in this case in order to save the mother.
In conclusion, people should embrace the practice of abortion. This should be based on the prevailing circumstances that justify abortion to be executed in favor of the woman or a girl. However, in cases where the action stands to complicate the health or fatality of individuals, it is advisable to retain the pregnancy. The baby could be given up for adoption upon conception because it is a life of its own.
Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. New York: