Database Management
Twenty first century is characterized by ‘big data’ as compared to earlier centuries; there are opportunities and problems hidden in the big data management, depending on how persons and organization analyze the big data in arriving at the desired results. Organizations hold huge data sets, in which most of the information is in the form of electronic with the advancements of the information technology. Big data is complex, an indication that it is very difficult to process through the applications of traditional data processes tools and applications. Technology has developed diverse statistical tools to assist with the analysis of the big data. The global capacity for the data storage has constantly increased with time comparing 1980s and 2010’s.
Challenges with analysis of big data are attached to capturing of information, data storage, curation, search, sharing, analysis, transfer and visualizations (Lohr, 2009). Trends associated with big data sets are characterized with additional information from the analysis of similar topics, an indication that some of the data show correlations, patterns, knowledge and diverse associations (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2002).
It has been noted that some datasets hold data in excess of Exabyte, which are very difficult to conduct research on; similar limitations are extended to research in business informatics, internet search and also in finance among other fields (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2002). The growth of the big data is associated with the increase in the information sensing technological devices such as mobile devices, remote sensing technologies, aerial sensory technologies, cameras, software logs, wireless sensor networks, microphones and radars attached to radio-frequency identification.
Big data requires many servers and thousands of software in managing the data effectively. Traditional data management tools like visualization packages and desktop statistics among others are overwhelmed by the big data (Lohr, 2009). Issue of big data is paramount depending on the capability of organizations to store and process information. Big data is useful in big science research, in governments, in the private sector and in international developments. An example of big science research is data collected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, astronomical data collected by SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey), big data management by the Obama Administration to answer challenges faced by the diverse governments, private sector uses big data in understanding the consumer recommendations, search cluster, changing tastes and preferences of target customers and merchandising among other benefits (Longbottom, 2011). Examples of organizations involved in the private sector are eBay,, Facebook, Wal-Mart and Banks among other organizations.
Big data is also useful in the international development, it has been noted that big data technology has provided opportunities that are cost effective in the management of global employment patterns, health care, international crime like terrorism, economic productivity, global security, resource management and management of natural disasters (Longbottom, 2011). Issues of imperfect methodology, privacy and interoperability are some of the negative issues associated with the big data.
In the market, some of the organizations that have benefited from the big data are: Microsoft, IBM, HP, Google, Oracle Corporation and Dell among others. There are diverse organizations specializing in data analytics and management, with developed economies leading technologies related to data interactions (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2002). Big data is offering a competitive advantage to organizations, since big data is involved in every function and sector of the global economy.
Big data is influential in making better decisions that are informed, subject to data management and analysis. Analysis of big data is reducing waste and facilitating increased quality in the delivery of services and products to the target market. Big data is relevant to consumers, businesses and to governments.
Lohr, S. (2009, August 05). For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics. Retrieved December 29, 2013, from
Longbottom, C. (2011, August 24). Big data: large problems or huge opportunities? Retrieved December 29, 2013, from
Ramakrishnan, R. & Gehrke, J. (2002). Database Management Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill.