Historical periods of arts

Historical periods of arts


The two art periods chosen for this paper are Renaissance and Neoclassical, of the two periods, Renaissance is the earlier historical art period. It is a historical art period that traces its origin from the ancient Italy and later spread to the whole of Europe and many parts of the world. Renaissance as art element emerged as cultural faction that embraced the earlier cultural practices of the people in Europe accentuating the literatures of people across many regions within Europe. The art period was characterized by increasing interest of people in painted work which was later incorporated in the education system. The period had greater impacts on different facets of life ranging from the social arena to science and politics, for instance science claims the advent of observation technique as research tool to the period. It was during the period that science relied on observable facts rather than empirical elements that entailed facts and figures (Hause, & Maltby, 2008).


The culture element underpins the rise of the Renaissance period,  the impacts especially on the early years of 15th century were felt in areas such as philosophy, music, art, science, religion, literature and politics. The artist during the Renaissance period employed the use of reality and feelings that dominated the human faculty. The art materials were mostly developed by scholars from ancient Greek. There is however significant disparity between the scholars of the early Renaissance period and those of the later Renaissance period that started in 15th century which is marked by the extent of focus on issues such natural science, history and mathematics. The latter Reissuance period laid much emphasize on issues that touched on cultural elements of human life (Osborne, 2006).


Painting and color were used to express the issues that delved on human life, for instance Florence family of painters used to colors to convey the human body in a more discernible manner and this was coupled with techniques that expressed the natural elements in objects and living things.

The reissuance period also claims it advent on issues that were related to money and competition among different artists for instance in the ancient Italy, artist could be sponsored by reach well-wishers to pursue a painting competition and the proceeds from the contest would be shared on a greed ratio between the sponsor and the painter.


Renaissance artwork

Other schools of thought claim that the Renaissance emerged due to increased concern among people issues such as death and disease especially after the Black Death plague of many people across Europe in the early 14th century (Hause,  & Maltby, 2008).


Neoclassical art period

The neoclassical period claims its origins from the ancient Roman Empire especially at the onset of 18th century. The period which emerged 3 to 4 centuries after the Renaissance period claims its inspiration from the Renaissance artistic values. The period ensembles artistic elements that entailed ;visual art, theatre performance, architecture and decoration.  Despite the fact that it emerged in 18th century, neoclassical period extended up to 19th century where it managed to stage fierce competition with Romanticism. It is cognizance to note in the field of architecture the Neoclassical were adopted and still thrives up to date. Neoclassical period claims its advent on the styles embraced by the classic culture, where development in art had philosophical underpinnings where man is perceived to have attained more insights on issues that are available in the surrounding. The development in the field of visual arts and increase interest and research in archaeology had significant contributions to the development of the art culture (Hause,  &  Maltby, 2010)


Neoclassical art work

The two images in this paper represent the art work from the two periods, the second image was developed from the guiding principles of the first image.

In many cultures across the world neoclassical period was associated with the development of visual arts. Proponents of the system claim that neoclassical approach of art was based on what the mind conceives from nature and the interplay between two elements.  In the music field, neoclassical period is associated with the rise of classical music. At the beginning 19th century neoclassical period was perceived by the experts in the field of art as reform of the early art cultures. Many perceived the period as the revival and improvement of the Renaissance period. Its strong influence could be felt in areas such as decoration, building and designing sculptures and architecture.  Unlike the architecture supposed by other art cultures such Rococo that laid more emphasize on ornaments and symmetry, the architectural method used in Neoclassical culture was driven by the elements that entailed simplicity and symmetry.  Art experts also assert neoclassical period saw greater improvements in the painting methods that were used during the Renaissance period. The artistic elements during this period were driven by simplicity to convey the real picture of things and objects and animals in the surrounding. Neoclassical period has influenced the areas of visuals arts and architecture which is still evident in the contemporary period  (Hause,  & Maltby, 2008).


Saalman, H.  (2009). Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings. Zwemmer. ISBN 0-271-01067-3.

Hause, S. and  Maltby, W. (2008). A History of European Society. Essentials of Western Civilization (Vol.        2, pp. 250–251). Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning, Inc.

Osborne, R .(2006). Civilization: a new history of the Western world. Pegasus Books. pp. 180–. ISBN 978-        1-933648-19-4. Retrieved December 10, 2011.

Hause, S. and  Maltby, W. (2010). A History of European Society. Essentials of Western Civilization (Vol.        2, p. 217). Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning, Inc.

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