Human Cloning and Genetic Modification
Genetic modification or engineering is defined as the manipulation of DNA or genes in an organism or cell. The primary purpose of genetic modification is to produce desired characteristics in an organism as well as to eliminate unwanted ones. Alternatively, it can be defined as a science that enables people to better by optionally altering their genetic makeup. There have been a lot of buzzwords about human genetic engineering. Although some people openly accept it, others have strongly argued that human genetic modification and cloning should not be allowed. This paper discusses on both sides of the arguments. Of course, corporate, religious, political, as well as scientific groups around the world have their opinions and views concerning human genetic engineering (Elshtain 32).
The technologies of genetic engineering and its applications touch a broad range of fields. Some of these include the pharmaceutical products, human gene therapy, and diagnosis of diseases, understanding of developmental genetics, environmental uses, forensic uses, as well as agricultural uses. From this list, it is clear how human genetic engineering plays significant roles in human life today. To start with, medical groups are now able to diagnose hundreds of diseases simply as a result of the technology of genetic modification. In particular, it is now possible and easy to identify individuals with certain genetic disorders before birth and even before symptoms manifest. By this diagnosis, medical experts can prevent a couple of diseases in human beings.
Many people assume that human genetic engineering and reproductive cloning is necessary because it allows couples to eliminate the risk of passing unwanted genes to their children. In particular, through cloning, the would-be parents can give would-be children only desired genes and eliminate unwanted ones, thereby determining their genetic endowment. These are genes that have been intentionally modified, designed, and selected for some particular purposes. As seen in the movie “Gattaca”, Vincent is born an invalid: he does not have the right gene for superiority. However, in pursuit of his dreams, he decided to buy genetic material of paraplegic Jerome Morrow to enable him attain a desired position at Gattaca Space Center. With this genetically engineered superiority, he becomes a valid individual.
Although some people think that reproductive cloning should not be prohibited because of its medical value, its potential in undermining the autonomy of the would-be child should also be considered. Consequently, the used biotechnologies are not safe and in the long-term lead to other problems. As seen in the movie, Vincent’s brother, Anton, does not take charge of his future because of his genetically engineered superiority. This is evident from his attitude. Although Anton has the right genetic scores, he still needs to be saved from drowning. Through genetically engineering, Anton has been made a valid person spared of various defects such as alcoholism, baldness, as well as Attention Deficit Disorder amongst others.
Furthermore, in principle, parents can use reproductive genetic engineering to determine the life plan of their children. Therefore, such children are unable to choose their life plan. As explained by Stanley (45), parents could choose genes that alter the normal development of emotional as well as cognitive abilities of their children to make them fit for specific life plans. Many people now argue that cloning or reproductive genetic engineering should be regulated if not prohibited. Lastly, the religious people do not recommend cloning because it makes a man assume the moral responsibility of God in creation.
At present, human cloning is done using viral vector. Their purpose is to carry and transport functional human gene into the body. This process is very dangerous because the consequences of viral genes into the human body are not clearly known. There is a huge cloud of uncertainty around this issue. Some have suggested that it is the reason why some genetic engineering produces unwanted characteristics in organism. There is concern as to what level and amount of control can be achieved in case viral genes produce very unwanted characteristics in human beings. Foster in his article, “is the gene genie out of the bottle?” examinedthe extent by which can produce uncontrollable characteristics in human. This would be highly detrimental if there are no appropriate control measures to deal with the problem. As explained by Foster in this article, we still do not know the exact location of functional genes in human genome.
Another underlying problem with cloning and gene modification is the ability of functional genes to replace other important genes in the human genome. If it happens, this may eventually lead to various forms of conditions and diseases in human beings. Furthermore, it might not be possible to control these kinds of variant diseases thus creating another problem. As illustrated by Baird in his article, “Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options,” replacement of only mutated genes is not guaranteed in cloning. Ethically, human cloning is not appropriate. This is because the current genetic diversity will be a thing of the past if well all change the defective genes. Genetic diversity is an essential element of the human population. For example, if all human beings have the same genome, it is very possible for the population to become susceptible to an unknown diseases and virus.
Work Cited
Elshtain,Wilmut. “To Clone or Not to Clone?” Endeavour (2008): 135. Print.
Gattaca. Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1998. Film.
Stanley, Debbie. Genetic Engineering: The Cloning Debate. New York: Rosen, 2000. Print.