Impact of Science on Animal Testing for Human Research
It is evident that the modern society relies on discoveries in the field of science and technology. This is done in the lieu to solve some prevalent problems in the human society. It particularly follows the field of science to look for more appropriate ways of dealing with challenges in daily lives without inflicting pain or harming human beings that animals are utilized in scientific research. Research indicates that there is a substantial connection between animals and human being (Hau 107). The biological process may not vary at all or have a very slight variation. Any kind of testing in science which is harmless to animals has proven to be good for human use. Some of the fields that actively involve themselves with animal research for the benefit of human being include genetics, developmental psychology, study of behavior, research in biomedical, organ transplant among other sectors of research. This paper concerns itself with the impact of scientific research on animals for human research. Background information on the use of animals for research will be surveyed through an argumentative essay.
Although research has indicated that animal use for testing of medical research has had a lot of positive outcomes, there is still a lot of opposition in the ethical issues concerning animal research. It is therefore noticed that apart from the success in scientific research using animals, boundaries have been crossed to cause harm on the animals used in testing. This criticism is aimed at protecting the right of animals. The argumentative approach of this topic will serve well in the provision of both pros and cons of the subject before making a deductive argument (Fitzgerald 113).
Background Knowledge
The use of animals in scientific research dates back to four hundred years ago. Most of the today’s scientists regard animal research for human beings benefit as the stronghold of biomedical research. However, a larger majority of the society has indicated concerns in the ethical issues that should be followed in the utilization of animals for scientific research. Presently, there are animal rights movements that have been formed to protect the use of animals for human research. This is because of the adverse impacts of science on animals for human research. Legislative laws have been formed to control the use of animals in research basing on the argument that most of the animals are subjected to pain in the event of establishing chemical viability on human beings (Fitzgerald 112). However, those that are for the use of animals in testing scientific chemical argue that restriction of using animals for research may have adverse effects on advancement in biological research hence putting human being at risk of many diseases and effects of chemicals.
The research used both qualitative and quantitative kind of research methodology. Interviews conducted on diverse groups of people who were against and those for the issue of using animals for scientific research to establish the logicality in their arguments. On the contrary, questionnaires were sent to correspondents who took their time to respond to some questions concerning the ethics ion using animals for human research and a possible solution was drawn out of the answers collected. Secondary sources like journals on some research institutes around the world served an important role in provision of vital information that helped the research team to draw a viable conclusion. However, some problems were encountered during the research process as most individuals especially in the case of responding to questionnaires were biased. They gave their response so subjectively that it was difficult to establish the credibility of the data collected. However, all the data was compiled and a conclusion drawn basing on the information given.
Findings and Discussion
Out of the research carried out, it was discovered that different people differed in their views towards the use of animals in human research. However, the bottom line was that there are two groups of individuals: those in support of the utilization of animals in human research and those against (Resnik 87). On one side, the research using animals is particularly acceptable as it prevents instances of inflicting pain on human beings. Animals become the immediate option because they share a lot of biological similarities with human beings as they fall under the same animalia kingdom. Chemicals and other tests can therefore be carried on animals and their effects be studied so that control measures are put in place to evade harming the human population. It is also argued that the field has served for many years in finding solutions about many problems facing human being especially in the fields of biomedical research, organ transplant and testing of cosmetic chemicals. The research has provided a strong foundation towards technological revolution as more effective ways of using animals for research are discovered. Most diseases have come up in the modern society and therefore through the scientific research and use of animals in such areas like stem cell research has helped in the establishment of the possibility of transplanting organs from other species to the recipient human beings to find remedies to the problems. This could not have been possible without tests being carried out on animals like rats and rabbits to investigate their survival before trying out on human beings.
However, it was realized that even though a lot of achievements have been acquired through animal research for human beings, other movements have raised their concern against animal research (Stationery Office 211). Their major argument is laid upon the ethical issues that should be considered in the event of using a particular animal in research. They assert that animals just like human beings have a right to lead a normal life without any form of subjection to system modification during research. The pain and suffering that animals experience during research and testing has formed the basis of their argument. A lot of animals are engaged in research and they face a lot of pain specifically during vivisection which involves dissection of animals to carry out internal organ research. Most of the animals used have had minimal chances of survival since most of them succumb to the effects of the chemicals used to test them. This has led to a lot of criticism as they advocate for more effective ways of carrying out research without causing harm on animals.
A good evidence of statistical data collected during the research in that in the year 2006, more than 600000 animals which formed about 55% were used to carry out research in a process that did not involve pain or distress. Nevertheless, about 7% which formed 84000 animals were used and this involved a lot of pain and suffering. Most of these animals did not survive therefore a big loss of biodiversity just because of scientific research. For instance, in cosmetic testing, animals are exposed to harmful chemicals that may be applied to their skin, eyes or be injected in their body system (Hau 112).
As a result of this case, many movements were formed to protect animals used in research through the formation of laws and regulations that provide protection to these animals. The ethical issues were established within the research institutes so that high levels of honesty are realized. This was meant to avoid subjecting animals used for research to painful instances. Researchers therefore are expected to show care and respect for animals as they are vital in other ways apart from being used in research. Animal Rights Acts formed advocate for other ways of carrying out scientific research through technological advancements rather than subjecting animals on pain and suffering. Laboratory produced cells that are similar to human being cells should be used in research to test the effect of some chemical on them then conclusion being drawn. This is aimed at reducing greatly the dependency on animals’ research for human beings (Stationery Office 209).
The paper has looked at impacts of animal research for human beings. An extensive research was carried out to establish the different views held about the use of animals in scientific research. It was realized that scientific research by using animals has had a lot of effects especially in the inflicting of pain on animals and even killing them. This was carried out through the reading of secondary sources as well as carrying out interviews on correspondents who provided information necessary in the field. It is proposed that the utilization of animals for research be avoided by all means through the technological discoveries of new ways of testing chemicals to be used by human being (Resnik 88).
Work Cited:
Hau, J. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science: Animal models. New York: CRC Press, 2003
Stationery Office. The revision of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes: 22nd report of session 2008-09, Vol. 2: Evidence. London: The Stationery Office, 2009
Fitzgerald, R. The Hundred-Year Lie: How to Protect Yourself from the Chemicals That Are Destroying Your Health. Chicago: Penguin, 2007
Resnik, D.B. The ethics of science: an introduction. New York: Routledge, 1998
International Documentation and Information Centre. Directory of published proceedings: Science/engineering/medicine/technology, Volumes 26-30. New York: InterDok, 1996