In any organization, the impact of information technology has been immense. Through this the strategic information system has been created a factor that has contributed to every organizations success. The alignment that involves business strategies and information systems are meant to increase an organizations output and success (Sabherwal and Chan, 2001) Hirschheim and Sabherwal, 2001 attribute an organizations success as being able to carry out its significant decisions. When these two range of variables are used we compromise them to establish the results of a given period as either opportunistic comprehensive or efficient (Hirschheim & Sabherwal, 2001).They attribute strategic alignment a as focusing to achieve a s4eries of interdependent relationships .In a given research increasing the quality of he results is the primary objective.
Sabherwal and Chan (2001) focus on two attribute that entails the business strategies and information system .Variables are set down to improve the design in an operationalization process. This is important where measurements are being used. Measurements are used to statistically analyze the results. Variables are either dependent or independent. In strategic information systems variables have been compromised to bring add value to the results. The relationship here is between is the strategy in business and information system alignment.
Hirschheim & Sabherwal, (2001) independent variables entail prospector, analyzer and defender while Hirschheim and Sabherwal uses three other variables are IS role, IS sourcing and IS structure. When these two range of variables are used we compromise them to establish the results of a given period as either opportunistic comprehensive or efficient .While compromising variable the alignment decreased with the incorporation of a new analyzer strategy. It is difficult to synchronize these alignments (Sabherwal and Chan, 2001). With operationalization the researcher can achieve the required specificity. This means that after operationalization , the hypothesis focus will be determined .It brings out the clearness of even the stated objective to the research proposal .In this particular case it is possible to tell when the business strategy changes to analyzer, Information System role and information structure. This is so as the information system approach was consistent with defender strategy (Hirschheim & Sabherwal, 2001).
The better job operationalization is attributed to Sabherwal and Chan who clearly distinguish the direct relations of the variable to the success of the organization. In this case, variables are well distinct and only need to be closely interpreted. They are easily compromised to make desired conclusions. Measuring units are defined making professionals studying the given variables to all use the same methodology. The variables used will still be used by other scientist intending to study the same topic later this is simply because of operationalization.
Hirschheim,R. & Sabherwal, R. (2001). Detours in the Pathtoward Strategic Information Systems Alignment CAUFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW VOL 44, NO, I FALL.
Rajiv Sabherwal Yolande E. Chan.(2001). Alignment Between Business and IS Strategies: A Study of Prospectors, Analyzers, and Defenders Information Systems ResearchVolume 12 , Issue 1Pages: 11 – 33