Opinion Poll on quality software
In software development there are a number of factors that need to be put in place so as to come up with a high quality soft ware. These are factors that sometime are non-functional requirements for different programs that are yet to be signed up by the customer’s agreement but however are among the critical necessities when developing a desired software program, and they do so by adding value to the structure and overall development processes. Therefore, together with a defined methodology for software production, a company will be in a good position of having quality and better software products for the market. There are many factors that should be considered during the process of producing software so that the end product is of good quality.
The purpose of the software should clear right from the beginning and this could be achieved by carrying out a pre-assessment which everything has to be subjected into the context of the user. Now it requires the knowledge and skills of the software engineers to come up with clearly written and understandable user documentation. Therefore, understanding the software product, under normal circumstances, will go beyond the researched statement of purpose.
For the quality of software to be assured at the end of the development then all its components and supposed parts need to be carefully developed and synchronized together. The program developers and engineers should ensure that the required input data that will determine the out put data must well be put into a complete package for it to work well.
A software product is developed with a determined memory capacity and this should do with much caution especially when there is need to improve on its effectiveness and efficiency. Replacing the repeated functionality within the package by a single sub-routine or potable function that is able to achieve the same functionality is the best way of improving the conciseness of the product. Especially where we have limited memory capacity it is advisable to reduce the existing lines of codes to a possible minimum number.
A better quality software product must always acquire the attribute of being portable, to an extent that it can operate well and be easily accessed on a wide range of computer configuration within the same set-up. It should be able to work with different operating system set-ups and/or different hardware set-ups.
A product that is uniform in notations, existing symbologies and terminologies is said to be consistent and it can be taken to be of good quality. To extend on this, the same product should be much reliable, in that it is expected to perform the same intended functions satisfactory without hiccups on its structure and efficiency.