Personal data
Personal data refers to information of an individual that are unique to that person and can be used in locating, identifying and contacting that individual.
Professional overview
Business as a career path is not only interesting but also fulfilling. The whole business industry has seen many individuals in the world achieve their success. This is one of the drives that led me to pursue a career in business. I intend to achieve many goals that I set in this field so that I actualize myself. My goals include the following. First, I intend to increase and improve my knowledge in this area of business studies through immense participation in graduate and graduate level workshops, seminars and courses.
Second, learn, understand and utilize strategies for developing and succeeding in the business environment. This goal could be is achieved through attending and organizing workshops and seminars that address the issues that surrounding a business success. Conferencing are increasingly becoming turning points for addressing and achieving effective strategies aimed at realizing business success. Another goal that I aspire to achieve in the field of business is to effectively develop a personal philosophy statement of entrepreneurial success and use it to impact positively to the community and in extension the whole world. This goal will be core to achieving success in my business career path and therefore its implementation is critical.
Last, I will be privileged to realize my goal of understanding the cycle of business development and the impact that this has to the economic development of the country and the whole world. These goals that I had set and intend to achieve them by pursuing an graduate degree in business at New York University business school. I realize that due to the immense intensity of the goals in life that my career will help me achieve, attending an graduate degree program at the New York University will not be sufficient in reaching these goals. Therefore, there are steps that I will take so that they aide the graduate degree in achieving my goals. Thus the need to have steps that will intertwine with the graduate degree to help me in achieving the goals. These steps include stretching the goals, attending seminars, conferences and workshops. These steps will act to reinforce the degree program so that quality of goals in ensured.
Workshops and seminars
Knowledge and skills acquired in class at an graduate level are not enough to help ones career path and particularly in realizing goals. Seminars and workshop are major steps and foundations of knowledge that reinforce a degree to be effective in goal realization. I intend to organize and attend seminars and workshops across the globe to enrich my skills. Seminars offers a practical platform that will change the class environment and sharpen the skills learned in class.
Attending and participating in seminars that are related to business development and advancement will be critical in achieving long term goals. They provide a better understanding of how business operation works in the world, the impacts that it causes and obstacles that entrepreneurs face in their daily lives. Workshop organization will help me and other participants to become more active in outlining basics of business and understand any new developments and innovations that are happening in the world of business. This in turn enhances and work to motivate me in my pursuit of achieving my goals.
Furthermore, seminars and workshops increase ideas and improve physical as well as individual development. This will be ensured through utilization of a variety of new materials that the University might not have access to it. I will have a great opportunity during these seminars to share ideas and goals with people from across the globe. I will be given direction on how to go about achieving my goals and what to discard in the process. Therefore, seminars and conferencing facilities will be vital to realizing my career goals.
Stretching goals
Realizing my vision of my goals will entirely depend on completing and setting of stretch goals. This is realistic goals that add value to the existing goals. The goals are more inspiring and motivating, hence adding valour to the set goals. This is due to the fact that in the course of my study at the University and seminar involvement, there will be new ideas and reinforcing factors that have to be included in the process of learning. A good fact about stretch goals that I will set in the course of my study is that they are self influenced and do not need external forces to be performed. This implies that my urge to fulfill my goals will be more inspiring. The professionalism I will acquire at the University and understanding of goal achieving mechanisms will facilitate my approaches to realizing the set goals.
I will be much result oriented and align the goals of those that are achievable in the short term from those of long term. This is helpful as the short term goals, if achieved will facilitate achievement of the long term business goals I set. It is much simpler to focus on the short term goals before realizing the long term ones since short term goals set the pace for progress and final goal realization.
Stretch goals emanate from the seminars and knowledge that I will acquire from New York University. This stretch goal will include self confidence and adding clarity to the goals. Passion and enthusiasm created in the course of seminars and class attendance are the other stretch goal that will project my efforts in specific areas such as entrepreneurial success and impact. This will help me move closer to achieving my goals.
Collaboration and relation
Relationships in community, interpersonal and international level are critical to development of once career. Relationships with other college students both at the University and internationally will prove positive in strengthening and fostering goal achievement. Through good relations, new ideas and ways of contributing to the success of my goals. Collaboration on the other hand will be helpful in bringing in accredited and guided programs from other Universities across the globe. My knowledge will be broadened and diversified in such a way that efficiency in my career path is ensured.
Reasons for studying
The field of business is vital to the growth of individuals, countries and the whole world at large. I have planned to pursue a career in business for a long period of time. An graduate background in business will lay a platform for achieving of my life goals, vision and objectives. During my growth, I have experienced people all over the world succeed and become icons due to business success stories. This stimulated my desire to pursue an graduate degree in this field so that I actualize my dreams. The idea that fascinated me about the graduate level is the fact that it is the foundation for progress in business growth. Therefore the strategy to pursue graduate level education will be valuable in fostering my career path.
The fact that graduate level of business schooling is internationally recognized and is to a large extend shaped by major players in the industry is motivating enough. This implies that the qualification I will acquire at graduate level will meet the demands of the prevailing business conditions, making goal realization easier and effective. Furthermore, the tutors at the graduate level have vast industry experience as well as massive teaching experience, therefore allowing theory and practical learning environment. International collaboration and socializing with other business oriented people in learning atmosphere is emphasized.
Self appraisal
I have a vast experience in the music business dealings, I attended music business workshop at the learning annex so that I enrich my knowledge in music. I also come to train in the program with great passion for music and I believe this will be valuable asset in my pusurit of academic excellence in music. During this time at work, I had a first hand opportunity to dealing with computer application in a business that gives me an advantage at this level.
I apply since I have a degree in business Management and administration that I acquired from Hunter College, New York in the fall of 2011. I also have work experience in corporate environment as I held an executive assistant position. I am also computer literate which will facilitate my music practicals. I have great interest in the business especially music field. My plan is to put more effort and focus on my area of study so that I excel. My academic record has always been excellent and that is the reason I was admitted at Hunter College where I proved my hardwork and determination for excellence.
Limitations and weakness
Monetary resources are one of the limitations that I face in the pursuit of academic excellence and the realization of my life goals. In undergraduate college I learned through grants and scholarships. I believe that education cannot be impeded by lack of or inadequate financial resources. The opportunity provided by the scholarship in the country and the University. My weakness includes being a perfectionist and a workaholic. I always aspire to make the world a better place and by so doing, I have to make sure that whatever I do is perfect. Most people take this trait to abuse my work.
The University’s assistance
The university will be helpful to me in many ways so that I realize my goals and fulfill my career path. The University through its program, will enable me to acquire knowledge and necessary skills required to make me competitive in the job market and achieve my objectives in life. The university has a scholarship program that I believe if given, will facilitate my education, thus strategically positioning me on the global stage of business growth. The lectures at the University have diverse educational skills and industry experience which will prove critical to my career development.
Steps for developing
Networking and education
The success of my program in music will entirely depend on how well I network. Team participation and efforts are vital in educational prowess and more so in music. I will pick my team members so that I have a team that have shared ideas and facilitate our learning. Community volunteering will help my degree program as they provide a platform for the realization and development of talents.
Education and mentorship
Education is crucial to any degree program. I will aspire to effectively conduct my research and reading on different reading materials on music such as reviewed journals, periodicals, books, business reviews. This will be advantageous in the world of music business. Mentorship is not only helpful, but also motivates people to realize their dreams. I will link myself with a mentor from the industry early enough so that I maximize on my program and the advice I get. The mentor will direct me so that I avoid obstacles to the success of my degree program and in extension realize my goals. The fact that a mentor is an individual I admire and aspire to emulate, is enough motivation and drive for my educational success at the University.
Research and innovation
Research is inevitable for development of one’s skills. Apart from the course work provided by the University, I intend to perform research in the field of business so that I increase my analytical and logical skills in class. This will further develop me academically and socially so that I am helpful not to myself, but the community and the whole world at large.
Publications and seminar
I believe that making publications will be my other step to help me personally. Involvement in the publication not only enriches me academically, but also facilitate my personal development. I will acquire knowledge and global recognition in my writing publication in the business field. Attending of seminars that address the issues of business development and innovation have developed my business understanding and knowledge. The opportunities provided by these seminars, I believe will continue to increase my desire for success.
Research ideas
The following are business ideas that are related to the music industry at the present state: industrial music: updating the hip hop business in America (Ana, 2008), contemporary music: a pilot project to increase the use of contemporary music, general attitudes towards promotion: an underestimated potential for business growth (Lincoln & Geoffrey, 2011) and mp3 online is downloading: a proof of booming business (Koichi & Glenn, 2011).
The selected topic is general attitudes towards promotion: an underestimated potential for business growth. In the methodology, I will use consumers and artists to measure their attitudes towards advertising. I will use qualitative analysis to determine the influence of consumers and artists’ attitudes on the potential for business growth.
I will sample the artists and consumers to get a sample population for research that is a representative of the whole country. I will use qualitative analysis in the research because this type of study is a phenomenon and qualitative analysis is best suited to give conclusive results. I will review research literature on this topic so that I get background information and a gap that exist which needs to be researched. Literature review also provides secondary data to support the research. I will use questionnaire administration in the collection of data since it is effective and you don’t need to be there in person to administer a questionnaire.
Ana, D. (2008). “Electroacoustic music: updating the library collection”, Collection Building, 27 (3) 104 – 107.
Lincoln , G., & Geoffrey, P. (2011) “Attitude toward the advertising music: an overlooked potential pitfall in commercials”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28 (6) 396 – 411
Koichi, S., & Glenn, F. (2011). Chapter 3 Roles of School in Disaster Education, in Rajib Shaw, Koichi Shiwaku, Yukiko Takeuchi (Ed.) Disaster Education, Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management , 7 45-75
Marilyn Lutz, (2004).”The Maine music box: a pilot project to create a digital music library”, Library Hi Tech, 22 (3) 283 – 294