Position Paper on Metaphysics.



Metaphysics is usually concerned with explanation of the major temperament of the world as well as being. This philosophy branch tries to answer questions on the matter and its existence. By identifying matter, the philosophers strive to give clarification on the most important notions which helps people in having an understanding of the world, its existence and its other components. In this brief overview, we will compare the philosophical ideas of George Berkeley as well as those of Rene Descartes on the issue of metaphysics.

However, both philosophers hold an imperative control over metaphysics. Their thoughts on realism are very crucial though there have radical differences. According to George Berkeley, reality consists of ideas and most importantly the mind. Berkeley also believes that our perceived sensations as human beings subsist in our brainpower.

On the other hand, Rene Descartes upholds that both spirit and matter are authentic in nature. He actually based his ideas on his existence which he believed was made possible by the notion that he could think. According to Descartes, thinking proves existence. However, Berkeley ideas are rational and practical. His thoughts of infinite mind are well defined. His definitions of mind and spirit contribute extensively to his idea of immaterialism on existence of things. The mind offers sensible qualities which offer distinctions on objects. Therefore, I support his ideals and thoughts on realism.

Berkeley’s developed a theory referred to immaterialism which indicates that human beings can actually know ideas and sensations of objects and not other concepts which include matter. His theory of immaterialism also highlights that our thoughts are reliant upon our mind perceptions. Nothing exists without the perceptions of our brain power. “Two things cannot be said to be alike or unlike till they have been compared”. For instance, through application of sensible qualities which are dependant of human mind, human beings are able to differentiate between an African and an American. Evidently these two people are human beings in reality but they can be distinguished through the use of sensible qualities which in this case is their different skin color. It is worth noting that his arguments are well proven in the three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous whereby Philonous supports the ideal of descriptive qualities using mind to distinguish between different forms of matter. He suggested that the mind which is given by God is responsible for sensible qualities and matter itself is not sufficient enough to offer logical understanding of things.

Berkeley supports the common view that all objects were created by God and they are all real but his question is what makes one to have the capacity to distinguish the various objects (Berkeley, 2009). From his own perspective, Berkeley holds that the existence of objects is through our mind which offers perceptions of everything that is in existence. Berkeley stressed that human beings holds perceptions that only subsist as thoughts in the human mind. In order to confirm ideas that rise in human mind without having to relay on external control, Berkeley used the instance through which hallucinations and dreams occur. He strongly believed that, the purpose of reality as well as the reality that is usually distinguished by all human beings is dependant of the human mind. According to his philosophical ideas and beliefs, the external authenticity only subsists in god’s mind. Everything that human beings perceive subsists only in the mind of God. Berkeley acknowledges the there being of God since according to him God apparently gave order in the whole world. He is also responsible for creation of the universal as well as the scientific laws.

Descartes on the other hand raised many questions on earlier philosophical suggestions. His ideas are dependant on his existence as well as his own thoughts. He argues that if human beings are capable of thinking, then they exist. Human existence is actually confirmed by thoughts. According to Rene, thinking means existence. He highlighted that human beings are irrelevant spirit or mind that usually exist separately from human body. “It is true that I may have… a body that is very closely joined to me”. He further asserts that his body and mind are separate of each other (Mulvaney, 2008).

Through his own reasoning, Descartes concluded that human beings are not perfect and therefore the existence of a faultless being comes from a perfect being who in this case is God. Therefore, being perfect implies that this perfect being who is God can not lie to his people. Material reality is not dependent on human beings mind. This is because material things subsist because God who is perfect and cannot lie created the world and the whole universe. Rene holds that God cannot create a universe that would lie to us. Therefore Descartes philosophical ideas hold God as the sole creator and he is also responsible for everything in the world including the truth about reality. He strongly holds that there is actual existence which is not dependant on human mind.


Berkeley’s ideas are logical since he acknowledges the existence of God in Human beings. His thoughts are entirely supportive of God’s presence in every aspect of life and experiences. All the same, he is very careful in dealing with the human knowledge which gives diversity in sources of subsistence of matter. His philosophical accomplishments are mainly dependent on the sensations. He truly shows that the sensible qualities are not used to characterize things but to present differences through the mind of a person. His ideas also indicate God helps our brain in distinguishing the reality of matter.

He acknowledges the continuation of external sources that offer diversity of sensations with the main source being God who instilled these qualities into people.  His major attestation to existence of vast mind points out that human beings have no control of deciding what they want to see the instant that they open up their eyes. This notion suggests that it is not the choice of an individual to decide what to do, see, hear, taste and smell. In addition, the nature and reality of all things is dependant on human mind. At the same time what they see, smell or hear is dependant on our mind since our mind is responsible for give distinction. For instance, take a patient with a brain failure, such a person understands nothing including him/herself since the brain is functionless. Therefore it is evident that the reality of matter is strongly dependant on human mind. This argument gives the evidence of God’s power which he has put in our minds. His ideas therefore give an impression that God and man are compatible which is a belief held by many religious and culture. The existence of these objects is made possible through the help of infinite mind

On the other hand, Rene ideas are quite true since he supports the existence of God. His believe on actual existence fails to explain why some objects are different from the others. What makes human beings to distinguish between different colors, different shapes among others. The sensible qualities instilled in our minds as highlighted by Berkeley are responsible of distinguishing and comparing different things. In addition, the human body is not separate from human mind as otherwise stated by Descartes .The human mind actually enhances God’s actual creation. Although God is the sole creator of everything under the sun he requires human beings to use the mind that he gave them in enhancing his creation.




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