Psychology of terrorism

 Psychology of terrorism

Course Wrap Up

There are topics that help in the proper understanding of psychological terrorism. Some of the topics give meaning to terrorism while some broaden its understanding. Sharing was vital during the course as my classmates shared their life experiences. Some brought a different view of terrorism from their experiences in their countries. The following are some of the topics learned and how they contributed to the understanding of psychology of terrorism.

The topic “violence” gave a deep meaning of terrorism as a way of violence. It explains the meaning of terrorism and exploits the relationship between the groups involved in terrorism. The topic discusses terrorism as threats imposed on non-combatants by some small groups of people (Chua, 2012). The important message in this section is that terrorism is a category of violence, but the small group involved are the winners in comparison to the large group of non-combatants.

The topic “Individual pathology” gives a different view to terrorism based on mental status. It suggests that the terrorists are people who are not in their correct senses. Individual pathology asserts that terrorists are people under mental disorder, and this makes them lose feelings for other innocent people (Chua, 2012). The issue that is striking in this topic is that it attempts to relate a real life situation of people who live in the same community. It explains that no one can live in a community without support of other people. This attempts to discuss terrorists as people who have the ability to survive on their own, which is an ideal situation.

The topic “normal psychology” tries to exemplify the causes of terrorism. It relates the trajectory by which someone becomes a terrorist as a gradual process. It also explains the things that people value at the expense of life (Chua, 2012). It identifies that people have some things of substance that they cannot sacrifice at the expense of the life of another person. The striking issue is that terrorism is a normal psychology depending on what a person views as being important in life.




Chua, J. L. (2012). Tales of decline: Reading social pathology into individual suicide in south       India. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 36(2), 204-24.



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