The Personality Tests.

Personality Tests

The personality of a person plays a crucial role in determining one’s behavioral and social patterns. These aspects, in turn, become the basis on which one’s leadership qualities are evaluated. The course has been a transforming experience wherein a space to introspect and explore oneself was provided. The Self-Assessment tools provided to us were a set of questions meant to explore different aspects of our personalities, which contributed to a better understanding of our being.

My score on Leadership Self is 81 which indicate that I have the potential and desire to be an effective leader. The test helped me realize that I enjoy planning and engaging with other people that contributes to my leadership quality. I also learnt that my inability to counter conflicts and complaints is my weakness and a threat to my role as a leader. I wish to address my weakness through self-work which will help me understand why I tend to perceive conflicts as an attack and not a process of growth. This ought to help me address them through a new perspective and attitude.

The result of my Career Assessment identified my personality type closer to that of a ‘Protector’. I appreciate this facet of my personality as it helps me listen to others in an empathic and compassionate manner. I believe this to be my strength; however, I also recognize this as my weakness as it makes me highly emotional and sensitive. I would like to work on my weakness of overindulgence by keeping a check on my priorities and decisions.

The Leadership Skills Questionnaire indicated my high proficiency in administrative, interpersonal and conceptual skills. Ironically, it is my strength as well as a weakness to be equally efficient in the three aspects wherein neither one is particularly incompetent in any aspect, nor one is exceptionally good in any of these. I would not want to fiddle with this capacity and continue to perform at my optimum level.

The Personality Test identified my personality as ISTJ. The test helped me realize my strength as a dedicated performer, while my weakness is introversion. I would like to address my weakness through building social relationships. The test also helped me realize that personality patterns are difficult to change and hence, one needs to aspire for achievable and

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