The elements
- No Precipitation
- Rain/ T-storms
- Rain
- No Precipitation
- Severe T storms Possible
- Rain
- Rain/T Storms
- No Precipitation
- No Precipitation
- No Precipitation
Question 2:
What is the weather at this station?
Temperature 76F
Dew point 55F
Sky covers Overcast and Raining
Wind speed 20 knots
Direction Northwest
Barometric pressure 1013.8 mb
Trend Biometric pressure increases the decreases
Change 0.3 mb compared to three hours ago
Precipitation type: Rain
Severity : Light
Question 3:
A: Cold Front
B: Occluded Front
C: Warm front
D: High
Question 4:
At point A because of the Increased, winds and chance of precipitation in which isobars tend to be rather very close together, with arrows traveling clockwise (Southern Hemisphere) or counter-clockwise
Question 5:
1: Atmospheric Pressure and Wind
2: coriolis Effect or Earth spinning
Question 6:
1: Front
2: Hot dry air masses and moist cold air masses
Question 7:
Symbol | Cloud Name | Symbol | Cloud Name | Symbol | Cloud Name |
Stratus | Cumulus | Stratocumulus | |||
Altostratus | Altocumulus | Nimbostratus | |||
Cirrostratus | Cirrocumulus | Cumulonimbus |
Question 8
A: Stratocumulus (Sc): These are low flying clouds that cover the sky and tend to resemble white to gray. These clouds have more structure which appears as variations like rows or patches. These type of clouds can be differentiated from stratus by the different in color across the sky. They are mostly produced by cold air passing over warmer water. The cloud is commonly seen during winter and almost close to great lakes. The cloud is equally followed by cold fronts. If related with large weather system, these types of clouds appear last before the skies.
B: Mammatus: These types of clouds are named after their pouch appearance. They normally form at the bottom of a spreading anvil related with a large, dynamic cumulonimbus. These clouds form is descending air and common during spring and summer, creating a chasm between stable and unstable air. In this regard, sinking air should be colder than the surroundings and should contain lots of ice or liquid water.
C: Cumulus clouds: These are white and puffed up clouds that resemble floating cotton. They are also referred to as the “fair-weather clouds”. They have a flat base with a rounded top. Cumulus clouds grow upwards developing into giant cumulonimbus clouds, also responsible for thunderstorms.
Question 9:
Lenticular: These clouds are formed like fashioned lenses or flying saucers and are uniform. They are formed as air flows over mountains and are particularly common east of the Rocky Mountains. They appear fastened to the mountain. These clouds are formed when air becomes stable downwind of the mountain; wind flowing over the mountain in a wave-like trend, and lenticular clouds are often created in the climbing air over a heap. On the downward branch of this mountain formulated wave, air is condensed, heated and the cloud evaporates as the comparative humidity lowers. This flow trend is known as mountain wave. Lenticulus clouds can develop whenever the air current undulates in a symmetrical shape. Whereas the clouds appearance is rather smooth, the vertical movements are rather strong and turbulent. Planes avoid flying at the surface of such clouds.
Question 10:
A: Rain
B: Drizzle
C: Snow
D: Thunderstorm
E: Fog
F: Freezing rain
G: Rain shower
H: Haze
Question 11: A: Fog
B: 24 hrs
C: Temperature increases and decreases as precipitation increases
D: Misty and cloud
E: Low pressure
Question 12: A: High Pressure
B: Haze and Light fog
Question 13:
- Blue section
- Warm front
- Sky cover overcast
- 10 knots
- Increased cloudiness, winds, temperatures, and chance of precipitation.
- Satellite
- Rainfall can be bucketing and wind speeds can be soaring. Represented on a weather chart as a (blue) line with triangles adjoining one side. The direction that the triangles point is the direction in which the cold front is moving.