What does culture mean to you?

  1. What does culture mean to you?
    Culture is a piece of me and is a piece of our life. Culture is a standout amongst the paramount thing to learn before you speak with others. As worldwide student I confronted a few challenges to see a few societies on the grounds that USA is multi-cultural however with time I win and I comprehend the. Society can shape our point of view of the world. It sounds methodology to apparent to attempt to be a controversy. Various studies have exhibited that people from different social orders see and see things contrastingly and that is in all likelihood in view of how their public framed the way they see the world. While I agree with this thought, I think people routinely disregard how society can be differing for each individual and consequently affected by it in a sudden way.
  2. How do you define an intercultural leader? What knowledge, skills, and attitudes do effective intercultural leaders possess?

Culture leader as I would see it who regard others what’s more comprehend the other society and effectively to speak with. He knows how to correspond with others. Likewise, since the public fortifies autonomy, people in these social orders are said to be tried in their ability to understand someone else’s point of view. They furthermore depend all the more on sober minded adapting rather than formal standards of justification and are more pugnacious, which intimates that they handles change, conflict, and different perspectives more the people from Western social orders.

  1. What do you hope to gain from this experience?

Look into different societies and connected in my future particularly in health field cause its multicultural territory. Get new companions and getting some skills. The Western culture, US, is known as individualistic or investigative, which they exhibit attention in regards to article and its qualities, and separate the things from its field when seeing them. In addition, they incline to suspecting and elucidating and they rely on upon the use of formal reason and the law of non-contradiction.

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