Women’s Sexual Satisfaction as a Predictor of Well-Being in Same-Sex versus Mixed-Sex Relationships

Women’s Sexual Satisfaction as a Predictor of Well-Being in Same-Sex versus Mixed-Sex Relationships


Sexual satisfaction is a social aspect that has been determined as one among the major factors behind the overall wellbeing of an individual’s life.  Attachments have been made between the pleasures derived from a satisfying sexual relationship and the physical, mental and psychological health. Women who have a rewarding sexual connection have been said to be more productive and upright in other sectors of their lives. They are less prone to psychological ailments especially those that relate to stress and depression, they are more physically upright and they have reported having a superb overall proper health and they are more loving, more trustworthy and are satisfied in all other relations. According to a journal by Holmberg Diane et al, a research was carried out to determine the relationship between the sexual satisfactions that are derived by individual’s from both same sex relationships and heterosexual relationships. A study with this level of intensity has not been undertaken before making this research absolutely viable.

Is the Article Qualitative Social Science and/or Quantitative Social Science, and Why?

Qualitative and Quantitative social sciences are both techniques of data collection. They differ in the fact that quantitative methods use mathematical or numerical models and theories to research a certain phenomena. The aim of the quantitative research is the amalgamation of the observations on a certain topic with the mathematical terminology. In quantitative research data is collected through ballots, samples, questionnaires or reviews.

Qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena through interrogation, dialogue and personal comments. Conclusions from a qualitative research are mainly as a hypothesis and in most cases the verifications of this hypothesis are carried out with the use of quantitative methods. Qualitative research methods are mainly used in the understanding of human behavior and coming up with decisions on certain contentious opinions. Qualitative data is gathered with the use of samples which help in narrowing down the population for better results (Maggie et al, 2010).

In the Journal article “Women’s Sexual Satisfaction as a Predictor of Well-Being in Same-Sex versus Mixed-Sex Relationships” the data collection method that was used in coming up with the findings is the quantitative method (Maggie et al, 2010). The researchers posted the need to carry out the research in magazines, websites and other advertisements where the interested parties were supposed to fill in a questionnaire with their personal details. Among those who filled the questionnaires a group of individuals who were above the age of 18 and were in a relationship were chosen, and were required to fill a different set of questionnaires (Maggie et al, 2010).

After data was collected the researchers performed different measures on the various classes of information that they were seeking to collect. For the sexual satisfaction variable the team of researchers came up with a 25-Item Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS), which included answers in wordings that expressed both positively and negatively the feelings of the respondents. Reliability and validity measures such as correlation (r) and alpha were then mathematically calculated from the frequency of various responses (Maggie et al, 2010).

In a different questionnaire (Sexual Satisfaction Inventory) to determine sexual satisfaction the team of researchers also used a list of 32 responses on the satisfaction that various pre-sex, during sex and post sex activities have on the respondents. This data was tallied with a keen indication of variances and probabilities were established. The t-table was also used in the determination of relationships between women in heterosexual relationships and those in same sex relationships. Comparison models were also used as part of the determination of the findings where correlation coefficients were calculated between the two groups. This was done by the use of multiple variables to represent the factors and coming up with viable equations. Regression equations were also formulated. The Chi-Square Test (X2) which is a goodness of fit test was also carried out on the data collected for the purposes of pre-determination of some of the concepts (Maggie et al, 2010).

Highlight Two Strengths of the Article In Terms of Research Methods Used

Quantitative Research Method as Strength

The main research method that was used in the research was the quantitative research method. A quantitative research is perfect especially in the content whereby the team of researchers is seeking to justify a certain hypothesis. This is one of the major strengths of the journal article. It has the capability to prove what for a long time has been contentious in other researches and findings. Due to the quantitative experiments that have been undertaken on various variables the findings of the research are less prone to biasness and the use of mathematical techniques helps the researcher exclude other external factors (ceteris paribus).

The quantitative experiments that were undertaken in the research were also very effective since they were able to intertwine a vast number of variables. It was able to link women sexual satisfaction to physical health, mental health and overall relationships and at the same time link the various categories of health to individual women in heterosexual and homosexual relationships (Maggie et al, 2010).

Use of Questionnaires as Strength

The main tool of data collection in the research is the questionnaire. When compared to other research methods, the questionnaire is more objective in such that it does not require a face to face confrontation and as a result it is more standardized. A questionnaire is also relatively quick since the respondents can answer even if they are far off. The use of a questionnaire has also helped the researchers gather information from a vast group of individuals. This is because the questionnaires were posted on the internet to the interested parties making the findings of the research those of a vast group (demographically different) of respondents and as a result diversifying and not restricting the general scope of research. Using the questionnaire as the tool of collecting data was also effective since it helped the researchers maintain anonymity of the respondents. With guaranteed anonymity the respondents feel free to disclose vital information for the research (Maggie et al, 2010).

Connection of the Article to Communication

Communication is the most principal in any societal process. It would be impracticable for social establishments to subsist without the transfer of messages from one point to another and the concept of feedback. Human beings employ communication as a way to aid significance and to synchronize human activities. Communication is the key to building and maintaining any kind of relationship whether intimate or casual, heterosexual or homosexual. It is through communication that individuals in intimate sexual relationships can attain maximum benefits and general wellbeing as a result of sexual satisfaction. This article teaches on the importance of sexual satisfaction as the drive towards the general well-being. Communication leads to a heart to heart knowledge of a partner’s innermost desires when it comes to sex and as a result leads to more satisfying sexual experience and thus an improved physical health, mental health and relational health.


Holmberg Diane; Blair Karen and Phillips Maggie. (January 1, 2010). Women’s Sexual             Satisfaction as a Predictor of Well-Being in Same-Sex Versus Mixed-Sex Relationships.             The Journal of Sex Research. High Beam Research.

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