Work motivation

Work motivation

Motivation is critical in ensuring that employees remain committed and work towards achievement of organization goals. Different employees are motivated differently. To unravel the issues concerning motivation, different researchers have advanced various theories. One of the theories is the Douglas McGregor theory X and theory Y. Theory X assumes that employees are lazy and unmotivated and dislike work hence requires authoritative management style to do work. Theory Y on the other hand assumes that employees are self-motivated, are happy at work, creative and enjoy work that has greater responsibility and therefore, appropriate management styles for such employees is of the participative kind (Kopelman & Prottas, 2012). This paper seeks to discuss how different scores relate to individual work experience and issues of work contents likely to change an individual’s personal score. This discussion factors in theory X and theory Y concepts.

People have different experiences depending on the situation and management styles as well as personal preferences of how they wish the management to relate with them. Going as per the questionnaires, on the situation and management styles as well as personal preferences my score is 90.  I have heard a positive and constructive relationship with my bosses since I joined the company. The fact that my personal preferences and management styles in the organization scores are similar, I must say that I do not regret that I am employed in this organization.  I enjoy work and am happy with my occupation. Furthermore, I am motivated to fulfill my obligations and therefore, I have learned to seek and to accept responsibilities with less supervision. According to theory Y management styles usually adopted in the running of the organization is participative (Simionel, 2011). My boss has cultivated positive relationships with the   subordinates and as a result I have found my work enjoyable because I take part in the decisions of the organization.  I am encouraged to learn and to pursue my goals without any hindrance and my boss is always available to motivate and give me advice. I also share my suggestions and given an opportunity to solve problems involving my work.

In this organization, various issues in my work context are likely to change my personal score. One of the things is working under pressure. I believe that I have the ability to deliver and execute my tasks as required and therefore deserve autonomy to do so.  My score will actually reduce if my boss pressurizes me too much to deliver that which I am not able. I would prefer a boss that is supportive and one that listens and gives me time to execute my responsibility. The second thing that will affect my personal score is when I am denied an opportunity to increase my responsibility and to engage in the decision making of the organization. I believe that I need space to perform tasks to the best of my ability. I desire challenging tasks to ensure that I am advancing in my thinking as well as my profession. If these are absent then chances are high that I may not be motivated. As McGregor, states, in theory Y, motivating employees requires management to have a good rapport and relationships with the workers (Kopelman, R. et al. (2008).  Certainly, my personal score is deemed to decline if I am not respected by my boss and given an opportunity to raise my suggestions and my point of view concerning organization goals and aims and information on what is happening.

In conclusion, motivation is imperative for the success of an organization, I believe in responsive management and that which encourages participation. I am motivated to work in an organization that allows participation in decision-making process and also one that has in existence an already established cordial relationship between the management and the staff




Kopelman, R. et al. (2008). Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y: Toward a Construct-valid        Measure, Journal of Managerial Issues, 20(20): 255-271.

Kopelman, R., & Prottas, D. (2012). Further Development of a Measure of Theory X and Y         Managerial Assumptions, Journal of Managerial Issues, 24(4): 450-470.

Simionel, A. (2011). Douglas McGregortheory X and theory Y, Review of Management &         Economic Engineering, 10(3): 229-234.


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