Identify at least one current situation in which you may be wrong. How might you view this situation differently?

Working individually, each student will complete a short (3 to 5 page) personal reflection paper on his or her own experiences learning from failure.
Each student should identify 3 past experiences in which he or she experienced failure. These experiences may be in a professional, personal, academic or competitive setting.
For each experience, you should describe what you learned from the experience and what you would do differently based upon this learning.
Next, consider your own approach to taking risks and to learning from failure. Identify at least one current situation in which you may be wrong. How might you view this situation differently?
Finally, conclude with your thoughts on how you might most productively approach failure in the future.
Reflection Paper
Summarize and reflect upon your experiences and course concepts in a three to five page (double spaced) reflection paper. The paper should include:
Introduction (1 paragraph)
3 examples of past failure and learning (up to 1 page each)
1 current example of a situation where you may be wrong (up to 1 page)
Ideas for how to approach failure in the future (up to 1 page)
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
When I allowed the winning goal that caused the team to lose the youth soccer championship, I felt that I had let the team down. Though I blamed myself for the loss, my team members supported me with encouragement, humor, and a consolation pizza party that lasted until midnight. In defeat, we became even more of a team. If we had won the championship, we might have received a trophy, but missed the valuable lesson of coping with failure. Every athlete and aspiring entrepreneur must eventually learn this lesson.This experience of helping one another to deal with adversity is an example of social resilience (Whetten & Cameron, 2011, p. 143). From this challenge I learned the importance of social support in dealing with life’s difficulties. When I experience setbacks, I learned to rely upon my friends and family. Just as my soccer team was not defeated by the loss, it is our social bonds that give us greater strength than our own individual resilience. References: Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2011). Developing management skills (Eighth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.this is a citation example Assignment Working individually, each student will complete a short (3 to 5 page) personal reflection paper on his or her own experiences learning from failure. Each student should identify 3 past experiences in which he or she experienced failure. These experiences may be in a professional, personal, academic or competitive setting. For each experience, you should describe what you learned from the experience and what you would do differently based upon this learning. Next, consider your own approach to taking risks and to learning from failure. Identify at least one current situation in which you may be wrong. How might you view this situation differently? Finally, conclude with your thoughts on how you might most productively approach failure in the future. Reflection Paper Summarize and reflect upon your experiences and course concepts in a three to five page (double spaced) reflection paper. The paper should include: Introduction (1 paragraph) 3 examples of past failure and learning (up to 1 page each) 1 current example of a situation where you may be wrong (up to 1 page) Ideas for how to approach failure in the future (up to 1 page) Conclusion (1 paragraph) Submission is a article to be used.

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