Annotated Bibliography: Barbara Jean Monroe. (2004). Crossing the digital divide: race, writing, and technology in the classroom, Language and literacy series

EDU 602 Unit 5 Individual Project: Annotated Bibliography

Barbara Jean Monroe. (2004). Crossing the digital divide: race, writing, and technology in     the classroom, Language and literacy series, Teachers College Press, pg154.

The author of the book gives a critical analysis of the use of technology among the students in relation to their responsiveness and participative nature of the students as compared to the students who do not use any for of technology. The book relates the information in a an analytical manner and gives imperative information regarding the arguments set forth by the academic scholars on the effects of the use of technology in schools and the concurrent performance of the students; in order to gain academic prowess.

According to this book, instructions based on technology are connected in one way or the other to the scores produced. Most researchers argue that schools that use technology in learning produce better and quality results compared to those that do not use any. Students who deal with technology are more enthusiastic and are more participative in class.  This book is a vital resource for the academic researchers as it integrates the information relating to the students and their eventual use of technology in learning.

Dee La Mont Johnson, Cleborne D. Maddux, Leping Liu. (1997). Using Technology in the Classroom, Monograph Published Simultaneously As Computers in the Schools, Vol 13, No             1-2, Routledge, pg 95.

The authors of the book give pivotal information regarding the use of the technology among the students and the teachers in the learning institutions like schools, colleges and the universities. It is noted by the authors that though the use of the technology like the computers and the other electronic media exposes the students to the immoral sites like the pornographic and terrorism, the benefits of the technological advancements and use in schools eases the work of both the teachers and the students and therefore makes learning simplified and the students can cover a wider scope over a short period of time.

The book gives background information on how the use of technology in the classroom has been among the most incredible developments in the technological development as far as the educational system is concerned.  It is noted that technology has helped teachers in easing their work load and therefore make it possible for the learning process to be easy. This book is pivotal and a useful resource for the teachers, students and all members of the guiding and counseling so as to facilitate their understanding of the effects of technological advancements to students as far as their education is concerned and its effect on their moral standards. This book shows how technology can be helpful in the class environment, therefore making it suitable for this study.

Howard Pitler, Elizabeth R. Hubbell, Matt Kuhn. (2007). Using technology with classroom       instruction that works, ASCD, pg 142.

The book gives an analysis of the advantages and the drawbacks of the use of the technology in the teaching of the students in schools. From the analysis of the information regarding the drawbacks, the authors inform the reader that the use of technology reduces the individual’s capability as it produces half-baked men. The advantages are immense as it is noted that the use of technology improves the results of the students as they cover a wider area of their study and therefore make them skillful and well endowed with the information regarding all aspects of life.

According to the authors of this book, classroom technology increases the learners’ achievement in their learning. It helps in the better preparation of teachers and students and highlights the strategies they should consider using in the learning process. However, technology reduces the reasoning intelligence of students since technology does everything for them. This also promotes laziness when it comes to research because articles are readily presented. The authors present the instructions that instructors and learners can use to achieve results making it good enough for this study.

James Robert Kalmbach. (1997).The computer and the page: publishing, technology, and the             classroom, Publications in Creativity Research, Greenwood Publishing Group, 145 pages.

The author of this book gives a critically outlined analysis of how the use if the computers in teaching the of the students can be a significant aspect as it involves the impartation of the information on journalism and publishing which are core career courses for the students as they are given technical skills on how to venture into the careers. The book is well presented with the topics and subtopics to enable the reader to understand every aspect that is being explained as far as the imperativeness of the use of technology in teaching is concerned.

Research and publications are part of some lessons that require technology. A lot of people associate publishing with the large scale producing of reading materials such as books, journals and news bulletins. In the world today, publishing has been customized to fit personal requirements. Today publishing is being taught in classrooms and this validates the usefulness of the use of the technology in teaching of the students. This is therefore a resourceful book for both first time and experienced researchers on the technological effects on the students.

Karen S. Ivers. (2003). A teacher’s guide to using technology in the classroom, Libraries         Unlimited, pg 152.

The author of this book develops another ideology derived from the use of technology in the teaching of the students in schools. The book notes that it is also possible for the teachers to expand their knowledge and therefore be able to teach their students in the most appropriate way. For instance, it is attributed that teachers benefit from technology in the classroom just like the learners do as they get the chance to access resource materials they require in teaching like plans for lessons and other resources for teaching.

Teachers can also use technology to solve various problems either in research or projects in the classroom. Technology requires constant learning since it comes with new features. It is therefore not for the illiterate. For teachers to teach using technology, they should first know how to use it themselves. It would be very embarrassing for teachers to teach using something they no nothing about. Teachers need to be guided even as they use technology in their classrooms hence I chose this article for the study.

Larry W. Hughes. (2005). Current issues in school leadership Topics in educational     leadership, Routledge, 375 pages

The author of this book brings forth the significance of the technological skills in the management of the school’s resources and activities and therefore this has an insinuation that the use of technology is significant as it effectively and efficiently delivers information to the assigned person, which can then aid in the sound judgements and making of the decisions to facilitate improvement in the academic prowess of the students and at the same time impart in them leadership skills.

This book gives a brief overview of how schools with technology should be conducted. It has three different parts that deal solely with their own leadership topics related to technology. Various school curriculums are also highlighted in this book. Leaders should be conversant with technology even in their leadership skills. There are various areas in leadership issues that require the use of technology. Technology is all rounded and could be very helpful in leadership, which is what led me to choosing this publication for the study.

Patricia Ann Brock. (1994).Educational technology in the classroom. Educational         Technology, 237 pages

According to the author of this book, it is indicated that the use of the computer technology is not limited to the use in the industrial and other economic sectors like in supermarkets alone, which has been the main perception by many individuals. It is noted that the computers can also be used in the schools, especially in the libraries to locate the books in the shelves and therefore reduce time wastage by the students. This will save their time and therefore make it possible for the students to understand the use of technology and therefore enable them to perform well in their academics. This therefore makes the book relevant in the study of the aspects regarding the use of technology in the classroom learning.

It is discovered that most people think that technology is associated with the development of the economy or any other development strategies. The author postulates in this book that such people should also understand that technology can also be educational. Computer is a technology that is widely used in the classroom. Some traditionalists however believe that the use of computers is expensive and unnecessary. Other people fear that technology poses a threat to their employment opportunities (Brock 1994). Efficient and effective teachers understand how to use technology in a way that benefits their learners. This book talks about how technology can be of use in the classroom hence suitable for the study.

Robert A. Carpenter. (1991). Technology in the Music Classroom. Alfred Music publishing,     76 pages

The author of the book indicates that the educational curriculum offered in schools is based on the technological advancements, for instance, it is noted that the institutions that offer music as a subject have to use intensive technology like the computers and the other musical instruments so as to enable them to be acquainted with the necessary skills and therefore be proficient. In essence, the author makes it clearly known to the reader that the development of the technology is of no vain as it can be incorporated with other methodologies in the learning of the various subjects, music being part of them.

The book records that the music teachers always have the desire to emerge their classes at the top. They have the responsibility of working extra hard to achieve this. With the increase in technological standards, music classes produce quality results when technology is used in teaching. Most music teachers complain of the complexity that comes with engaging with technology in a music class. Some teachers complain that they do not see the connection between music and technology. This therefore makes it certain that this book is significant in the study of technology and its relationship to its application in classroom teaching/ learning.

Robert H. Lochte. (1993). Interactive television and instruction: a guide to technology,            technique, facilities design, and classroom management, Educational Technology, pg136.

In this book, Robert introduces the aspect of communication as one of the pivotal features associated with the use of technology in teaching or classroom learning. The students get to be informed with the interpersonal communication skills and also be acquainted with the knowledge on the major communication tools used world wide. The author notes that the developments in technology can be used in the production of other vital communication media like the radio and the television sets and their uses in learning.

It is noted that the issue of interactive classes taught by television is slowly becoming common. The author relays this information in a simple language and therefore makes it possible for the readers to understand the benevolent aspects of the use of technology in communication. These interactive classes are however very hard to organize since it will require the gathering of information from distant places. The authors present the instructions that instructors and learners can use to achieve results making it good enough for this study.

Stephen Petrina. (2007). Advanced teaching methods for the technology classroom, Idea          Group Inc. (IGI), 394 pages.

The book makes a postulation on the need to improve the level educational methodologies used as the advancements in technology also increase. These developments in the educational system can only be attained through the use of technology, for instance the recording of data regarding the score of the students can be easily done using a computer. This simplification of the learning methodologies in the learning sector will lead to the development of a well equipped generation, with effective communication skills and data manipulation techniques.

As technology advances, the teaching methods employed should also advance to fit the situation. Many people take the connection between technology advancement and effective communication for granted. This book however emphasizes that advancing technology and teaching call for a broad range of information and skill. Advancement in technology in way illustrates the intelligent reasoning that both teachers and students should engage in a classroom rich in technology. The choosing of this article was prompted by the fact that it talks about the advancement of the different methods for a technology class.






Barbara Jean Monroe. (2004).Crossing the digital divide: race, writing, and technology in          the classroom, Language and literacy series, Teachers College Press, pg154.

Dee La Mont Johnson, Cleborne D. Maddux, Leping Liu. (1997). Using Technology in the    Classroom, Monograph Published Simultaneously As Computers in the Schools, Vol 13,     No 1-2, Routledge, pg 95.

Howard Pitler, Elizabeth R. Hubbell, Matt Kuhn. (2007). Using technology with classroom    instruction that works, ASCD, pg 142.

James Robert Kalmbach. (1997).The computer and the page: publishing, technology, and the         classroom, Publications in Creativity Research, Greenwood Publishing Group, 145 pages.

Karen S. Ivers. (2003). A teacher’s guide to using technology in the classroom, Libraries     Unlimited, pg 152

Larry W. Hughes. (2005).Current issues in school leadership Topics in educational     leadership, Routledge, 375 pages

Patricia Ann Brock. (1994).Educational technology in the classroom, Educational          Technology,      237 pages

Robert H. Lochte. (1993).Interactive television and instruction: a guide to technology,       technique, facilities design, and classroom management, Educational Technology, pg136.

Robert A. Carpenter. (1991).Technology in the Music Classroom, Alfred Music publishing,       76 pages

Stephen Petrina. (2007). Advanced teaching methods for the technology classroom, Idea    Group Inc. (IGI), 394 pages.


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