Canadians with Disability and Policy.

Address the social welfare needs in question and the human and materials resources required to satisfy those needs.

Canada as a federal state has for a very long duration of time tried as much as possible to solve the disability problems that are encountered by the citizens who make up part of the total population of the nation. The people with disability in Canada have been protected by numerous policies that were created by the government to enable them to be free and associate with the other members of the nation without many difficulties. Through the policies enacted by the government, the government of Canada is able to uplift the well being of the citizen thus drastically improving the economical state of the nation at large since the people will be able to work and provide for their basic needs. This reduces incidents of poverty in the entire state making the country more competitive than the neighboring state and making it to be ranked among the developed states (Prince, 2004, p. 4).

These efforts illustrated by the manner in which the government tries as much as possible to makes the people with disability also reduces the cases of the poor citizens in the entire nation since the people will have enough finance to take good care of themselves and even to support their own families. The aid given to the disability people in the society can be contributed or fetched from other sources apart from relying on the government policies which in some nations it is very difficult to be full filled because of the level of corruption between the government leaders who are the major promoters of the financial aids (Prince, 2004, p. 5). Therefore, this clearly illustrates the need of the aids given to the people with disability to be supplemented with other sources such as well off family members who are able to cater for the disability by providing them with donations that will enable the disability to acquire the basic needs.

Other sources of the funds that can provide the people with disability encompass of the local community which can also contribute some funds to assist the disabled in the community (Baker, 2008, p. 30). In some other developed nations, relatives can also offer financial assistance to the person who is disabled so as they are able to be to achieve their basic needs. This is because they are able to provide for their own families and the remaining funds can be used to support the needy in the society.  The support given to the disabled in Canada is usually in various forms depending on the source in which the funds are received from. For instance if the support is from the government, it might be inform of the basic requirement instead of money which the government know that the relation to the disabled in the society will use for their own selfish good and not supporting the needy.

The social welfare needs that affects the entire Canada as a nation especially in the disability section is the fact that the disabled lack food to sustain their own life, those suffering from various diverse ailments and cannot support for their own medication. The old age also are also categorized into the disabled since they are also unable to provide for their own basic needs since they do not have the energy to work and provide for their own. The old are also easily attacked with diseases which in most cases affect the nature of their physical bodies or generally paralyzed their entire bodies to a state that they cannot be able to support themselves. The single parent with children who depend on them for a leaving can also be ranked under the disabled since they do not have a source of employment and have people who are depending on them. The unemployed in the community and the veterans of Canada are also ranked as disabled in the community since they are also in a condition that they cannot support for their own needs (Baker, 2008, p. 34).  In general, the disabled in a given nation depends on the overview of the nation and how the people in the given nation identify the disabled basing on what qualities.

The human and the material resources that are needed to satisfy the disabled in the society include the finical aid that are contributed by various individuals so as to be able to provide for the needs of the disabled in the community. Some of the human resources that can be offered to the people who are disabled in the community so as to offer comfort to them include the foods that might be given to the disabled who cannot afford it so as to be able to satisfy their needs, education can also be provided to the needy and the disabled in the society to enable them acquire knowledge which is the most vital need for every human being. By making sure that all the disabled in the society acquire adequate knowledge is the first and vital step that the Canada government might take to reduce the cases of disability in the nation (Malacrida, & Duguay, 2009, p.19).

Housing and health services are other human resources that the disabled in the Canada can be provided with by both the other citizens and the government. The material resources that might be given to the disabled to make them also comfortable include the cloths that the disabled lack and require to cover their body from cold, a home to stay if they lack one, medication if the disabled person is sick and unable to buy the medication and lastly the employment opportunity to the disabled who are well versed with knowledge in the specified fields but lack the employment opportunity thus making them to be disabled. This can be done by the government offering them different jobs that are readily available in the government (Malacrida, & Duguay, 2009, p.28).

Consider the topic in terms of its relation to the overall goals of social reform in Canada and Western societies.

The aspect of disability and policies has to some extend interfered with the overall goals of social reforms in Canada and the western societies since the government of Canada has to use some of the available resources to compensate for  the disables in the society (Jongbloed, 2005, p. 33). However, in the past few years, the Canadian government has been able to deal with this since it involved the funds that are used to help the needy in the annual budget. The Canada government has benefited from helping the disabled people in the government since they are to some extend an extra source of income to the government. This is the main reason that is behind the government helping out the disabled in the entire society.

The aspect of assisting the disabled in the community has enabled the Canadian government to increase it is economical status. Considering the fact that the disabled in the community are able to be treated and be offered employment opportunities in the government means that Canada as a nation will incur a lot of profits from the profitable gains that will be provided by the various jobs that will be undertaken by the disabled people. To some extent, the disabled in the government will also increase the man-power which is very vital for the several job opportunities as long as they are given the available human and material resources that is very vital for their survival (Jongbloed, 2005, p. 41).

When the government of Canada enact the policies of that do protect the disabled people of its nation, it will help reduce the number of disabled cases in the country since the people will be able to impact the people who are disabled and give moral support to the people. Since the people and the govern will combine the forces to fight disability in the entire community, the cases of the poor in the street and the old people will be taken good care since more of the disabled people who will have been saved will also take the initiative of saving the other people thus reducing the disabled in the entire country (Westhues, 2006, p. 17). This will automatically increase the manpower which is necessary for the industries thus increasing the yield of production in the entire nation.

Canada as a nation had been ranked as one of the major nations that have high numbers of cases of people with disabled people in the society. This is vivid basing on the facts that were retrieved from the research that was conducted in the year 2003. This total number of people with disabled cases and those that were being affected by the disabled people were found out to be twelve point four percent (12.4%) of the total population of the entire nation of Canada (Westhues, 2006, p. 22).

Consider the ideologies, values and models of the social welfare policy under review and Potential impact on choices, Influences and types of participants from the policy community i.e. insiders, elites, activists, disempowered.

The social welfare policy vividly indicates that the elites that are among the richest people in Canada also play a major role in helping out the less fortunate and the disabled people in the society. This is because the elite people have adequate human resources that are able to cater for their own good and the remaining is used to enhance the needs of the disabled people. The funds that are provided by the elite people in the community are also used for the buying medication that might be used to treat the sick in the community and to also provide clothing for the disabled in the community (Westhues, 2006, p. 60). This is because the extra capital that they get is directly transferred to the disabled in the entire society thus being able to reduce the instances of the disabled people in the society thus making Canada to be more economically and political stable than the neighboring states.

According to the views collected from the people who are the citizens of Canada, it is vivid to state that the disabled polices are being promoted by the various people since they help out the needy in the society thus reducing the poverty level in the entire nation of Canada (Laryea, 2004, p. 59). The policies that are enacted by the government and the local people are very essential for the people of Canada since they help the disabled and eradicate the cases of poverty levels in the entire society.

The choices that both the government makes and the local citizens concerning the aspect of the policies and disability should be properly studies and the end result should be measured out since the disabled people in the community affect the entire nation of Canada and also the people that are part and relationships to the disabled in the nation. Basing on the above given reasons it is then true to illustrates that the choices that are usually made concerning the policies of the disabled in Canada are usually fully checked out by the government officials before any given changes are enacted. This is to ensure that the laws that will be enacted are properly outlined and meet the desires and the needs of each member of the nation of Canada including the disabled people (Laryea, 2004, p. 67).

Consider the role of social class and status groups in influencing social policy and describe any potential tensions and dynamics amongst competing groups in this area.

The social classes that are found in Canada are majorly divided into two main categories which are the rich who have more than what they require so that they remain with extra of the resources they consume. The other class of the people in Canada refers to the poor who are the poor in the society and therefore are unable to provide for their own daily needs. The rich can be referred to as the people who are living below the standards of any given standards since they lack the capital to sustain for their own needs. The two social class differently influence the manner in which the government policy or the social policy affecting the disabled people in the community. This is because both the rich and the poor people are the same people that do make up the society which is later referred to as Canada as a nation (D’aubin, 2007, p. 23).

The rich who are the major influence of the social policy that affects the disabled people in the society since their contribution to the society towards funds that enable the disabled people to be assisted in the various ways impact the social policies in one way or another. For instance, in Canada in the state of Alberta, the rate of the disabled cases in this state are very high and the state is also highly influenced by the tension caused by the poor who demand that the rich concentrate in helping the disabled people in the society and leave out the poor people in the society (Laryea, 2004, p. 59).
Thinking of an interactive process, what role could social workers play in this area regarding policy/program development and what effect will the area have on social work?

There are various and diverse roles that the social workers can play in Canada as a nation to ensure that the disability policies are developed. Although this will have diverse effects on the community and the entire citizens of Canada, it is necessary since all the people will have to benefit from the assistance that is given to the entire community (D’aubin, 2007, p. 24). The first role that the social worker can play in this area is by contributing the available resources that they can use to assist the people who are disabled in the community.

The contribution of the people in the community will be used to benefit the disabled in diverse ways such as building a children home that will be very essential for the children whose parents are disabled. This is the most vital and valuable step that social workers in Canada can take so as to impact the disabled in the society (D’aubin, 2007, p. 25). By educating the young children who belong to the disabled people who are grown up, the disabled people in the community will drastically reduce since the young generation will acquire knowledge which will enable them to be employed and get good works that pay well hence being able to provide for the needs of the older parents.

Another role that the social worker can be able to undertake in the policy development is by enabling the government to enact laws that will be very essential in promoting the needs of the disabled people in the community. The government will be able to enact the laws so that the disabled people will be able to be provided with the basic needs that are very vital for their survival. The social workers in the given area will also be able to influence the non-governmental organization which will enable the disabled people to receive various aids to enable them to survive in the given area (Jongbloed, 2005, p. 12).

These non-governmental organizations might also provide the disabled in the society with food especially those who are old age and are unable to cook for themselves or lack the appropriate people to provide them with the necessary requirements for their own survival. The aid offered by the non- governmental can also be inform of the medication given to the disabled who are suffering from diverse ailments and are unable to get the enough funds which are fundamental for their own survival (Keshen & Blake, 2006, p. 112).  By the social workers being able to support the disabled people in Canada in the given different ways, the area in study which is Canada will be able to incur high coasts of marginal profits and will be able to be more competitive than the neighboring states because of the abnormal profitable gains that it will be receiving from the high yields from the various industries.




Prince, M. (2004) Canadian Disability Policy: Still a Hit-and-Miss Affair Ottawa:

Canadian Policy Research Networks

Malacrida, C. & Duguay, S. (2009).  ‘The AISH review is a big joke’: contradictions of     policy participation and consultation in a neo-liberal context, Disability & Society Vol.   24, No.            1, January 2009, 19–32

Jongbloed, L. (2005). Journal of Disability Policy in Canada VOL. 13/NO. 4/2003

Cockburn, L., Krupa, T., Bickenbach, J., Kirsh, B., Gewurtz, R., Chan., P & Mc    Clenaghan, Work and psychiatric disability in Canadian disability policy, Vol. XXXII,          NO. 2 2006

D’aubin, A. (2007).  Working for Barrier Removal in the ICT Area: Creating a More         Accessible and Inclusive Canada, Toronto: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press

Baker, D. (2008). Issue definition in rights-based policy focused on the experiences of      individuals with disabilities: an examination of Canadian parliamentary discourse,    Toronto Taylor & Francis

Laryea, V. (2004). Implementation of the Employment Equity Policy, Ottawa:

Canadian Policy Research Networks

Westhues, A. (2006). Canadian social policy: issues and perspectives, Wilfrid Laurier Series,         Toronto: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press

Keshen, J., & Blake, R. (2006). Social fabric or patchwork quilt: the development of social           policy in CanadaG – Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series,    University of Toronto Press

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