Competition, cooperation and integration
1-Why has the long-term care field nor been subject to strong competition in the past? Why has that changed?
Long term care was not subject to strong competition in the past because there had a near monopoly of the services they offered and people did not demand more for their payments. However recently there have been new market entrants who have been marketing aggressively and today people also demand more from what they pay.
2-What is the difference between cooperation and integration?
Cooperation refers to usually semi formal arrangements between organizations providing care. These cooperations are made in a way that those making them can all acquire some benefits. Integration are more formal and lead to affiliation, contracting or mergers.
3-What is an integrated health network?
Generally refers to integration formed by entities that are independent organizations.
4-What is an integrated health system?
Generally integrated health system refers to integration in the form of single ownership.
5-Under what circumstances might a long term care organization choose to join an integrated system? An integrated network?
A long term care may chose to join an integrated system in order to acquire economies of scale and increase market share. It may join a network in order to acquire economies of scale add bargaining power and reduce competition.
6-What are some of the potential economies of scale resulting from integrated?
The potential economies of scale that result from integration are savings on purchases, increased efficiency and cost effectiveness.
7-What are some of the benefits of integration for long-term care consumers?
Some of the benefits of integrated long term care for patients are better patient management, care is well co-ordinated, improved quality of care, measuring clinical outcome is easier and more services under one roof for patients.
8-How are management and governance of an individual organizational entity?
In the management of individual entities, the managers find if easier to make strategic decision and are more autonomous. In governance there is single hierarchy leadership and not a governing board.
9-Why are information systems so important to integration efforts?
Information systems are important for reasons of providers sharing information. Management and clinical data is well coordinated increasing the integrated entities’ competitiveness and organization.
10-Why is the planning so important to integrated networks or systems?
Planning in integrated systems is important in order to ensure that the goals of the integrated entity is achieved through real integration of the individual entities.
11-What do you think of the text’s suggestions for marketing strategies? Do you think doctors should be allowed to market their services at all? Why or why not?
Marketing strategies in the text are appropriate and in tune with current times and outline what can be noticed in other industries. I believe doctors should be allowed to market their services as long as it is true and tastefully done according to their profession. This is because in the current world, people need to be aware of the services available and not necessarily from outside contractors.
Pratt, J. R. (2010). Long term care management: Managing across the continuum.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.