Honors College community
The Honors College is very categorical on the role a student is supposed to play in the school. The purpose of the school is well stated in the mission statement. The main aim is to allow the interaction of both the faculty and the students. Effective interaction is done through learning, teaching and also research. As an individual student, I will participate in learning, cultural diversification and research.
I understand that to secure a position as a useful student, I will have to concentrate on activities which will support me to overcome my weaknesses, because if they remain unaddressed they can turn into major threats to my career (Outcalt 63). I can effectively do so by undertaking a collectivistic approach. Also, acquiring a flexible approach in cross cultural dealings, improving my listening skills and by regularly improvising my leadership capabilities through learning and experiences at the Honors College (Josselson, Lieblich and Dan 85)
To effectively perform my role as useful Honors College student, I will have to learn all the essential tactics that will guarantee my success (Gurung, and Beth 55). I believe that I will have to constantly scrutinize my personal and educational growth and I can do so by reflecting on my past and present educational and personal accomplishments (Haugen and Susan 66). All in all, Honors College community will provide me with an opportunity to realize my potential as a future competent employee who can constructively add to the growth of the company that will employ me (Allen 88).
Conclusively, The Honors College is very categorical on the role a student is supposed to play in the school. Effective interaction is done through learning, teaching and also research. At Honors College scrutinize my personal and educational growth and I can do so by reflecting on my past and present educational and personal accomplishments.
Works Cited
Allen, Felicity. Education. London: Whitechapel Gallery ;, 2011. Print.
Gurung, Regan A. R., and Beth M. Schwartz. Optimizing teaching and learning: practicing pedagogical research. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.
Haugen, David M., and Susan Musser. Education. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print.
Josselson, Ruthellen, Amia Lieblich, and Dan P. McAdams. Up close and personal: the teaching and learning of narrative research. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2003. Print.
Outcalt, Charles. Community college honors programs. Los Angeles, CA: ERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges, University of California at Los Angeles, 1999. Print.