Plan for Professional Development

Plan for Professional Development

Information communication technology is gaining approval in many institutions because it offers outstanding possibilities for teaching as well as learning. Traditional methods of assessment have been transformed through computer means (Hwang & Chang, 2011). This paper discusses various aspects concerning use of computer technology in assessment and measurement.

Because of the increased adoption of computer technology in assessment and measurement, it is prudent for teachers and other stakeholders to be trained and educated con how they can exploit this technology to succeed. Various goals must be set when planning for a professional development workshop on assessment. One of the goals is to learn how computer technology can be used effectively in assessments and measurement of the students.  This workshop will equip people with skills on how to present information in different ways to meet the needs of various audiences such as students, teachers, course organizers as well as external examiners (Hwang & Chang, 2011).  The second goal for this workshop on professional development on assessment is to acquire skills on how information can be presented and the range and scope of the contents to meet the purpose of assessment. The third goal is to acquire skills about the systems, its benefits, how it operates and how it is able to manage assessment information.

The needs and learning objectives of the students in the school district can be met by using computer technology in assessment and measurement in various ways.  One of the ways is that it will improve the precision of the actual values observed and improve the efficiency of collecting and even processing information (Clark, 2012). This will ensure that assessment is accurate and is carried out within the shortest time possible enhancing students’ learning.  It also will enable analysis of sophisticated information and data, which will help teachers in supporting their decision-making about the learning needs of the students and on whether the students have met their objectives. This is because, it provides feedback quickly about the students level of performance helping or facilitating the decision making process. Computer technology will also help in detection and recording of psychomotor, affective and cognitive characteristics of learners and even providing insightful information about the social contexts of learning and teaching processes. Furthermore, computer technology ensures proper management and administration of the assessment information. This information plays a key role in encouraging and reminding the learners about their objectives because it is well recorded and is easily accessible. Therefore, learners can benefit largely from computer technology if it is well used in their assessment.

As people become aware about the rights of students with special needs, efforts have also been done to ensure that such students are also provided with opportunities to learn and to compete like any other students. Computer technology is also being used in assessment and measurement of students with special needs across the world. Even though, as these technologies are being adopted, various methods need to be factored when accommodating the students.  One method is for stakeholders to come together and develop a curriculum program that will help the teachers or guide them when dealing with students with various disabilities. This curriculum plan should cater for students with special needs and be implemented in all the schools (Oliver, OSA & Walker, 2012). This will help to greater magnitude to reduce the level of discrimination to such students. The second method is by identifying the needs of the students and their current abilities. This will help in coming up with appropriate computer technologies that will help in assessment of these children. The major reason for the assessment is to improve the level of learning of these students, which is facilitated through these technologies. The third method is to consider or put into consideration the option of the technology whether low, medium or high when developing the systems (De Castell, 2011). This is considered because it ensures that appropriate technological system is developed to meet the needs of these children with special needs (Bargerhuff, 2013).

Even though computer technology is used in assessment and measurement of students, further research is still required in the area. One area of further study is on how technology affects the positive learning of students. This is because many people embrace technology but have not provided sufficient information to support their hypotheses. The second area of research is on the consequences that computer technology brings when used in assessment of students performance. The rationale for this is to highlight enough well supported reasons for the users to understand and avoid them.  The third area of study is on the best level of learning is whether it is appropriate to use computer technology in assessment and measurement of learners. Students and learners vary in terms of their cognitive development and it becomes important to understand the best stage for implementing computer technology in these assessments and measurements.

Various professional organizations across the world have been in the forefront in helping to improve the assessment and measurements skills of elementary teachers. It is very essential for these teachers to have skills and enough knowledge on how they should carryout their assessment. One of these organizations is Association for supervision and curriculum development (ASCD) and National Association of Elementary School Principal (NAESP). ASCD is a global community that endeavors to provide excellence-learning, teaching and leading, it comes up with innovative solutions that aim at promoting the success of every child (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) (2013). It has various programs that aim at adding value to the students hence is able to improve the skills of these elementary teachers. NAESP is also a profession organization that brings together various principals aimed at developing common core implementation plan to improve the learning and assessments of students (National Association of Elementary School principles (NAESP) (2013). They also provide training and to elementary teachers on computer technology assessment and measurement. One grant opportunity that may improve elementary teaches improve their skills in assessments and measurement is by providing them with in-depth training on the various aspects concerning assessments and measurements.  All elementary teachers should be placed under a special programme that aims at instilling in them specialist skills on the issues of assessment and measurement (Spurlin, 2006). For instance, a special curriculum or training course should be introduced that deals with aspects of assessment and measurement. This opportunity will improve their skills in assessment and measurement of their students.

In conclusion, students require assessment and measurement in order to help them assess whether they are achieving their objective in their learning process or not.  The assessments should be carried out appropriately to project correctly on the level of the student performance. Computer technology assessments are gaining a lot of approval in learning institutes because of various reasons such as efficiency, accurate and proper management of records. However, even though they have many befits, it is important that they are used well and by people that are well trained.


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) (2013).  Education      leadership. Retrieved from:            leadership/may04/vol61/num08/What-Is-a-Professional-Learning-Community¢.aspx

Bargerhuff, M. (2013).  Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities in a Stem School,           American Secondary Education,  41(3): 3-20.

Clark, I. (2012). Formative Assessment: Assessment Is for Self-regulated Learning, Educational   Psychology Review, 24(2): 205-249

De Castell, S. (2011). Ludic Epistemology: What Game-Based Learning Can Teach Curriculum   Studies, Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 8 (2), 19-27.

Hwang, G. J., & Chang, H. F. (2011). A formative assessment-based mobile learning approach to             improving the learning attitudes and achievements of students, Computers and           Education, 56(4): 1023-1031

Oliver, A., Osa, J. O., & Walker, T. M. (2012). Using instructional technologies to enhance           teaching and learning for the 21st century pre K-12 students: The case of a professional education programs unit, International Journal of Instructional Media, 39(4), 283-295

National Association of Elementary School Principles (NAESP) (2013). Common core state         standards resources. Retrieved from:         standards-resources

Spurlin, J. (2006). Technology and learning: Defining what you want to assess. Retrieved from:   

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