Test Specifications

Test Specifications

            Anger is a construct that can be defined using words such as fury and rage. Anger can either present as a state or a trait. As a state, it is an emotional feeling that is characterized by subjective feelings that differ in intensity from intense fury to irritation or mild annoyance. During such moments, there is automatic nervous system arousal and muscular tention. There are also people who have trait anger and this is a disposition of perceiving many situations to be frustrating or annoying (Jr, Gore & Gordon, 2000). Moreover, a person responds to these regular elevations in anger. Some of the behaviors associated with anger include seeking revenge, resisting, venting, avoiding the factor that stimulates anger, expressing dislike, and seeking help (Jr, Gore & Gordon, 2000).

When generating the items initially, I will seek assistance from experts by interviewing them. I hope this will help me in coming up with strong items. The items will be phrased as a question so as to prompt the respondent to think of the question on an individual level. The respondents will respond to anger test using a likert scale. The following will be assessed; anger about things, failure future, and now, annoying others, angry-hostile feelings, anger about self, shouting, hurting others, angry misery, social interference, alienating others, fatigue, appetite, sexual interference, and thinking interference. Subjects will read the questions and select the statements that described their feelings best. The likert scale will be as follows; D= I am very angry at all times that I cannot stand it, C= I am angry many times, B= I feel angry, A= I have no feelings of anger. The initial test will include twenty groups of questions with 5 statements in every group.

Part 2








Aseltine Jr, R. H., Gore, S., & Gordon, J. (2000). Life stress, anger and anxiety, and delinquency:            An empirical test of general strain theory. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 256-            275.




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