The Potential to Effect Change for Children, Schools, and Communities.

Shaping School as a Social Context, Rethinking the Family: The Potential to Effect Change for Children, Schools, and Communities 


Schools are pivotal institutions that impart knowledge in the students or children and thus facilitate the development of literacy among the people in the society and develop their social, economic and political aspects. The schools work in correlation with other gatherings or social units such as the families in the promotion of the education among the individuals. The families with the help of the parents are also the spring board that facilitates the acquisition of the technological know-how or skills among the individuals that will enable them to tackle the problems that they may encounter in their day to day lives. Education improves the quality of life and thus aids in besetting the difficulties that may be generated through the inadequacy of academic prowess or failure in the academics.

The nature of the families also determines the academic excellence of the students in a given society. The aspects such as the economic endowment of the family in terms of the available resources and the net gain over a specified period play a noteworthy role in the impartation of knowledge and skills to the students. A family that is well endowed with the resources such that it can be in a position to cater for the needs of the students then it becomes definite that the students will be granted an opportunity to sail through all the stages of schooling and thus be intellectually equipped to be good decision makers and thus be responsible and productive personalities. Conversely, the families that are not well endowed or those that are insufficiently equipped with the resources to support them in the schooling process will definitely be hindered to have access to the educational prospects and thus will end up being unschooled and thus become irresponsible members in the society.

Literature Review

The aspect of the social capacity of the families in which the students stay also has immense effect on the academic capacitance that an average student may acquire given that all the other determinants of education like the level of the IQ of the students and the economic endowment of the family that the children or the students come from. It has been always the perception of the many individuals that the children raised in the families in the urban areas have more capability of performing better in the academics than those in the rural or the local areas. This is however not the case especially as viewed from the fact that the children in the urban states or areas are exposed to the high chances of immorality and moral decay, and thus this limits their ability to competently perform well as compared to the children or the students in places far away from the urban centre. The structural ramifications in the relations amid the families and the surrounding neighborhoods have also acted as a factor that has inhibited the effectiveness in the availing of the skills and the academic prowess to the individuals.

The families or the homes whose educational history is poor are said to academic dwarves and thus raises few individuals with the ability to attain literacy; this may be attributed to two things, for instance the increase in the number of the students in the classes or the schools with reference to the number of the classes or the general physical facilities that the learning institution may be having. It is however important to note that the families and the homes that raise the students have immense effects on the lives of the individuals; more specifically the students as they determine the general personality of the individual, the availing of the resources to the students that will enable them to be educated and thus live decent lives. The families also have the role of instilling the disciplinary measures that the students are to work by so as to enable them to be obedient and thus be able to perform to their level best and by so doing, they become academically endowed and a literate society will be created.

Apart from the instilling of the obedience in the children the families and the homes have a responsibility of availing physical resources and the moral guide to the students and also supply the necessary resources to the schools so as to facilitate the improvement of the physical facilities that will aid in the convenience in the teaching of the students. From this assertion, it is evidently shown that the schools will benefit in a great deal of ways as the performance of the schools from both the academic point of view and the disciplinary or obedience aspect will be improved and thus instill confidence in the society as a literate society/generation will be created.


The articles shed light on the educational dilemmas that many schools encounter and thus clarify them to present vital information to the society and with great emphasis to the parents in the families. The issues of underperformance in the schools and the aspects of disobedience are well tackled to enable the teachers, parents and the society or even the other educational practitioners come up with the necessary and the suitable intervention programs to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency in the impartation of knowledge in the children or the students. The articles critically evaluate the situations of the educational systems in practice in the different societies and then postulate the necessary methodologies to be put in place so as to enhance the successful impartation of knowledge in the students.

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