Social Concept and Family.

Social Concept and Family


The family is a principle institution in society and has been since the beginning of time. The family being of principle importance therefore has a lot of influence on day-to-day societal happenings. One of the pivotal roles that families play in society is the enhancement of education. The century that we are living in is one which without education, there is no success. Long gone are the days whereby families would depend on their children to help them in life sustenance businesses and thus did not put an emphasis on education. Today, life is different and the role of parents as the head of families has also changed. It is now a commonly known fact that families or rather parents would not mind to see their children excel when it comes to the climb towards academic success. Parents in most situations like to see their children in school and learning for they recognize the fact that school is the only way that these children can achieve their goals in life.

Likewise, with the dynamic world we live in, schools have also realized the crucial role that they play in changing and sustaining a forward moving society. Schools are charged with providing education that will make a difference in children’s lives. This to some extent is the goal of most schools and no matter how poorly performing, some schools are they all would wish to see that their students succeed. All the above aforementioned are common knowledge as regards the roles that schools, and families play in the context of supporting children to excel in school. It is undisputable that each has a role to play. These notions of the importance of family and school in a child’s education are what I had also preconceived. Upon reading some of the assigned articles, there are several things I garnered that made me see the true role that these two socially accepted institutions that is the family and the school play in a child’s life. The key points I garnered will be the subject of my impending discussion, in addition to how the concepts I garnered challenged my before held beliefs about these two pivotal society institutions.

A preconceived notion that I before had, as regards the role that parents play in a child’s literacy development or schooling is the that as long as a child is in a good school, with a good teacher who is in touch with the child, home assistance in terms of schooling does not make that much of a difference. My preconceived notion was that a child will learn as long as they have a good teacher, regardless of whether or not the parent is there to give extra assistance. This preconceived notion of mine was highly challenged as I read through some of the articles. In my reading, I found that children who learn in school, but also get time to come home and practice their learnt material at home with their family, have a greater chance of doing well in school. On the contrary, I garnered that children who do not have an actively involved family in their education will not do as well as those who do. Previously I had conceived that the level of involvement for a family in their child’s education does not make a big difference. The reality I picked up is that it does. My thinking henceforth was challenged as I came to this conclusion.

There is an interesting correlation I picked up once more as regards the involvement of family in the schooling of their children. The literacy of parents seems to have an effect on the help that parents can give their children. If the parents of a child are not so competent education wise, there is only so much help they can give their children in an effort to help them succeed. Additionally, the literacy level of parents in a great sense has an effect on the educational level a child will attain. It has been seen that parents who are well learned will push their children to attain such heights but those who are not, sometimes tend to stand by the wayside as their children struggle on. The parents who are not well schooled do not do enough in terms of encouraging their children’s schooling. This is a factor which challenged my thinking in that I had preconceived notions that such parents who are illiterate to some extent would be the ones to push their children to learn.

Now in the arena of school, I garnered a few pointers that served to highlight the importance of school even in a social context leave along a learning one. School aids children in several ways not just the preconceived academic way. Socially, a school is of great importance. It is at school that the social life of children is built. This is so in that it is at this particular institution that children first learn how to make friends, and how to exist in a social context. The fact that without schooling some children would miss an important part of their social growth is an import aspect I had not before considered.

Another perspective garnered from my readings is the fact that the structure that schools offer children is of importance, and it greatly contributes to their future success. It is at school that children are given structure, which helps to shape their character, and thus who they become tomorrow. This is not just in an academic context, but even more so at a personal level. A school helps instill a sense of purpose in children, a sense of direction which they would not otherwise have had. This finding challenged my initial limited thinking of just the role school plays as regards education. The educational and learning aspect is the one that is normally greatly focused on and other aspects such as social development, and development of character not so much.

In conclusion, schools and families are both important social institutions. They play a big role in the development of children in terms of education, and in instilling values important in both an educational and social context. It is important that one be aware of the roles that these important institutions play in the lives of children, for awareness brings about societal change.

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