Violence in the Media and Its Effect on Viewers

Violence in the Media and Its Effect on Viewers


Over the past years, the media landscape has been noted to change constantly as an effect of new technology. The devices in use today are computationally more powerful and graphically superior despite their smaller sizes. Unlike traditional media, these new devices along with an internet connection allow children and adolescents to view visually stimulating content in the privacy of their rooms. The absence of adult supervision places these young views at risk of being affected by the media violence often portrayed in the video games and movies. This is one of the reasons why aggression in young individuals has been noted to increase over the past few years. Most people fail to understand that such content may cause confusion on the fiction and reality. As a result, they may act the same way the actors did when caught up in a similar situation. Such depictions of violence in the media influence the behavior of both adults and children in the real world, particularly their readiness to act or indulge in aggressive behavior.

Historical Events that Make Violence in Media a Major Issue in the United States

According to the “Report of the Media Violence Commission” (2012), the rates of violence in youths and the deaths resulting from the violence has been rising significantly. The teenagers today tend to settle conflicts by becoming violent and hurting one another in the act. This is what has raised an alarm in the criminal justice department which p to date is still debating on it. There have been claims that this violent behavior in youths is indeed a side effect of what they view in the media today. The policy which prevented television channels from broadcasting violent material no longer serves its purpose completely. Though they may broadcast violent movies late at night when the young are supposed to be in bed, the same people will still download these movies into their computers and view them in private.

Violence in Media has also led to an increased rate of domestic violence and violence at the workplace (“Report of the Media Violence Commission”, 2012). The violence viewed in the media not only affects children but adults as well. It tampers with their ability to deal with and settle disputes in a mature way. As a result, the first impulse one gets is to hit and hurt their partners. The mental effect of media violence should never be overlooked as it results to adverse effects which may result to loss of lives. Adults should deal with issues in a manner which shows respect; unfortunately the cases today are different since it frequently gets to a point where two people are involved in fist fights. Sometimes they may use weapons to revenge whenever someone crosses the line.

Crime and violence are usually closely related. Media violence has also resulted to an increased rate of crime which is commonly carried out by youths (“Report of the Media Violence Commission”, 2012). Taking someone’s life is a crime punishable by the law of the United States of America. Most youths today have the impression that owning weapons such as guns is cool. This is often an effect of the movies they watch which makes them feel like having a gun in their possession will help them feel secure.

Social Psychological Concepts Relating to Media Violence

Aggression is the main social psychological concept which relates to media violence. According to Ellison (2012), aggression and the unconscious mind are closely related. At the time when an individual becomes aggressive, the memory of what was viewed in the media is activated. The availability of a similar scenario is what activates the memory which in turn affects how the individual behaves. Attitudes are yet another social psychological concept which is related to media violence (Timmer, 2011). The media affects the attitudes of individuals and as a result their behavior as well. In the fantasy world of movies and video games, a viewer may derive that violence is normal. If by playing video games a youth kills other players, in the real life situation such a person will not have a hard time doing the same. Lastly, behavior is also a concept which shows that a person is affected by media violence. Some forms of violence should never have to be witnessed in real life situations. Unfortunately, since someone is already under the influence of media violence which affects their ability to tell what is fantasy and what are real, unbelievable cases have been brought forward (Ellison, 2012).

Challenges Individuals and Law Enforcement Agencies Face with Media Violence

The challenges faced as a result of media violence are many. Timmer (2011), states that the efforts by law enforcement agencies to restrict underage individuals from viewing inappropriate material are not helping. There are some areas which are above their means, such as the internet. There is no way they can prevent someone from downloading a movie into their computers. This tends to make their work more complicated as they have to deal with increasing rates of crime. Individuals on the other hand are forced to live lives of insecurity and worry since whenever there is conflict, fights frequently follows (Ellison, 2012). This may lead to loss of lives in case the rival is in the possession of a weapon.

Timmer (2011), states that the policy to restrict the broadcast of violent materials today seems to be a waste of time. Ellison (2012), states that the conscious and unconscious media influence feeds the thoughts of individuals which eventually affect their behavior. The “Report of the Media Violence Commission” (2012), indicates that there has been confusion between knowing reality and fantasy as a result of media influence. I disagree with a statement by Ellison (2012), which states that the broadcasting of media violence does not affect some of the people who view it. I also disagree with Timmer (2011), who claims that adults have a better understanding of the effects of media violence. If it were true many would not be jailed for crime committed on impulse.


As much as internet availability may be educative, parental control should be available at all times so as to protect the young minds of children. The law enforcement agencies should ensure that any channel which broadcasts violent material is charged according to the laws. The people in criminal justice should ensure that a suspect is not only jailed but also counseled during that time so as to prevent the reoccurrence of such a situation. The Public should also be educated on the effects of media violence and how to avoid them.


Violence in the media is the main reason as to why there has been an increase in crime in the United States. Although many may doubt this, it is evident that such violent content affect the attitude and eventually the behavior of an individual. The mind is a special organ which may become affected easily by the materials people view in the media.






Ellison, G. (2012). Fantasy as Addition to Reality? An Exploration of Fantasy Aggression and Fantasy Aggrace-ion in Violent Media. Pastoral Psychology, 61(4), 513-530.

Report of the Media Violence Commission. (2012). Aggressive Behavior, 38(5), 335-341.

Timmer, J. (2011). Restricting Portrayals of Film Violence to Reduce the Likelihood of Negative Effects in Viewers: Did the Framers of the Motion Picture Production Code Get It Right?. Journal Of Popular Film & Television, 39(1), 29-36. doi:10.1080/01956051.2010.494186


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