Career Development Plan: Job Analysis and Selection

Career Development


Any merger calls for change of strategy, mission and vision statement of any given company. The InterClean Company has merged with Enviro Tech Company. This calls for change and proper man power planning. Due to the change of operations for the two companies there requires an elaborate job analysis, mission and vision statement, selection of the required manpower as well as an appropriate workforce plan that will lead the new business into productivity. There will be a significant transition in the two companies that will help in implementation of the organization’s goals and strategies (Arthur, 2005).

As a sales manager to the new merger, I am required to select and recruit a new sales team that will help in selling and promoting our cleaning products and services to health organization. Apart from changing our strategies, mission and vision statement, we shall also be required to embrace new organizational structure, culture as well as organizational change. This is important so as to absorb the two organizations in one (Arthur, 2005).

Of more importance is to develop a significant sales team that will foresee the implementation and realization of the implemented goals and strategies. Being the sales manager I will be required to assess the needs of the new organization as far as sales are concerned. This will help me in making substantial hiring decisions and at the same time get to know what skills and knowledge are required for the potential sales persons. As a new merger as it is, the sales workforce should be vigorous and aggressive enough in order to ensure the company’s sales target is reached and the consumers familiarize completely with the company’s new strategies, mission, products and services. Additionally I am required to ensure that the new team gains full knowledge of our products and services as well as the company’s objectives (Arthur, 2005).

Hiring of the sales people will entail proper understanding of each sales post, the credentials and proficiency required for a particular post. For this reason I will be required to give   an explanation of my job analysis information, illustrate a work force planning system as well as identify the most suitable selection method for my sales team (Arthur, 2005).

Job Analysis Information

However, I am determined to develop a team that will ensure that productivity and the organization’s mission and vision are suitably accomplished. A focused and competent team will guarantee success. Particularly, job analysis refers to the process of scrutinizing jobs in order to categorize their key features mainly the duties they accomplish, the expected results to be achieved, the main tasks to be undertaken as well as the relationships of job with other jobs in the hierarchy of the organization. Through an elaborate job analysis I will also be required to offer job description to my hired team of sales people (Arthur, 2005).

Noticeably, the analysis will help me to keenly focus on my hired team behaviors, knowledge, capacities to perform the authorized tasks and their skills. Therefore, I will be requisite to examine their educational credentials, personality, experiences as well as professional training of the team I will be compelled to hire. Particularly, the job analysis will help in clarifying posts for the new team of sales people, provide job description which is crucial for selection interviews and enable drawing up of job specification which helps in selection.  Job analysis will also help in providing basic information through which performance assessment is based. In addition the job analysis will assist in offering a prerequisite for job evaluation analysis, helps in reviewing the structure of the organization which is very crucial as far as the new merger is concerned. Finally my job analysis will play a major role in assessing the training requirements of my new team (Arthur, 2005).

Therefore each member of the team will have clear ideas of what his/her responsibility entails thereby powering individuals into meeting their own short term objectives in their job field. Nevertheless, in order to prepare a substantial job analysis I will first decide on objectives and aims of the analysis (Arthur, 2005).

Workforce Planning System

This involves a range of activities in action. However, a suitable workforce planning systems requires one to have in mind the purpose of his/her business, why he/she is in that kind of business. This is provided in the organization’s mission statement. Therefore with a mission statement of selling the best cleaning products with full-service to health organization, I will be able to move to the next level of my workforce planning which is the strategic level.

Notably, the strategic level will help me in creating my organization’s vision statement which is also crucial as far as profitability and sustainability is concerned. Through an elaborate vision statement, our consumers will gain confidence in our products thereby enhancing profitability. Evidently, vision statement motivates people into buying a company’s products and at the same time assists in formation of a business plan (Rainer, & Cegielski, 2009).

After a plan has been established, I will start by staffing our organization by recruiting skillful and qualified sales staff and training them adequately. The team should be adequate enough in order to freely and adequately serve our esteemed customers. After adequate staffing we will be obligated to establish a management team that will help in upholding our vision and mission statements. The sales management team will be required to maintain our primacy focus of ensuring customers satisfaction. This will necessitate proper documentation of restocking and inventory (Rainer, & Cegielski, 2009).


Following establishment of a sales management team, our products and pricing will be our next focus. After our consumers have fully familiarized and gained confidence in our products and services, we will decide on raising our prices in order to maximize profits as well cater for our staff. This will be followed by bringing together the workforce plan as well as its implementation. Notably, a workforce planning system is enhanced through a good business strategy (Rainer, & Cegielski, 2009).


Selection Method

Due to the nature of the work that is involving staff hiring, I will rest on selection or psychological tests as my selection method. This is because I will require a team which shows intelligence which will be tested through intelligence test, a team that has good aptitudes, a significant level of education which will be tested through attainment tests, a team with good personality traits as well individuals who have sales as their preference occupation. This will be tested through occupational partiality tests (Nash, & Bernstein, 2006).

Advantages of Selection Test Method

  • Helps in evaluating objectives of particular characteristics of humans by sampling the behavior of individuals
  • Identifies individual level of numerical, verbal and diagrammatic reasoning as well his/her personality side view
  • The tests are reliable and valid
  • Reveals crucial information about an individuals interests and capacities
  • Helps in identifying interpersonal qualities that are significant for the job on offer


  • An applicant can change responses in order to ensure that he/she is selected
  • There can be difficulty in measuring ill-defined personality qualities (Arthur, 2005).

Employees Representing My Team

The Human Resource Manager has good leadership, social and communications skills which will help in selection, recruitment and training of the new team. Assistant Human Resource Manager is another key employee whose services will is quite necessary. These personnel will help in assigning tasks while evaluating the abilities and effectiveness of each recruit. However, Human Resource Personnel will work together in implementing a program of evaluation since they have a good understanding of the training process.  Additionally the HRM personnel will also help the employees in developing skills; positive attitudes towards their job as well as experience.

Another significant employee will be the Chief Sales Manager who also possesses some leadership skills and know-how in the field of marketing. He/she will help the employees in familiarizing with the company’s products, identify customer’s needs and demonstrate his abilities to the new team for the purpose of learning. I will also require three supervisors who are competent in selling to assist the newly hired team. The supervisors will thoroughly check the new team’s work and offer direction to goal accomplishment.


When a two organizations comes together to work jointly, the two organizations undergoes a complete transition which requires changing or modifying their mission, vision as well as their business plan. The organization also requires changes in the structure and culture of the different organizations. Therefore, in order to ensure the functionality of the business, there must be elaborate job analysis information, alternations in workforce which will entail hiring of new employees as well as retention of others.


Arthur, D. (2005). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. New York:         AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.p 233

InterClean–EnviroTech Merger Scenario, Week Two Student Road Map, and Employee Profiles

Nash, P., &Bernstein, D. (2006). Essentials of Psychology. London: CengageBrain    Publishing.p447

Rainer, R., & Cegielski, C. (2009). Introduction to information systems: Enabling and         transforming business. London: John Wiley and Sons.p49

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